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RE: Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A Gothic treasure in ruins [en/es]

in Architecture+Design6 months ago

Hello dear @lileisabel, you have achieved very nice photos of this parish despite its neglected appearance, I loved the story that links you to this architectural jewel. I would like it to be repaired so that it is not lost because it is really very beautiful. A big hug 🤗🌼💐

Hola querida @lileisabel, has logrado muy lindas fotos de esta parroquia a pesar de su aspecto descuidado, me encantó la historia que te une con esta joya arquitectónica. Quisiera que la repararan para que no se pierda porque de verdad que es muy bella. Un gran abrazo 🤗🌼💐


Así es querida pasar por ahí y me trajo tantos recuerdos lindos y pensé que estaba intacto y cuando se acerqué una decepción, espero que lo reparen 🙏🏽❤️👍🏽

That's it, dear, passing by there and it brought back so many beautiful memories and I thought it was intact and when a disappointment approached, I hope they repair it 🙏🏽❤️👍🏽