For a bluer planet / Los Molinos Shopping Mall in Medellín

Greetings friends of Hive and the Architecture+Design community . One night I went to do some sightseeing at Los Molinos Mall in Medellín. It was a quick and ready affair, but whenever I can I like to record some visits of attractive places with photos and that gives me the opportunity to come to this community so you can appreciate modern and planet friendly buildings, as is the case of the Centro Comercial Los Molinos.

Saludos amigos de Hive y de la comunidad Architecture+Design. Una noche fui hacer una deligencia al Centro Comercial Los Molinos en Medellín. Era un asunto rápido y listo, pero cada vez que puedo me gusta registrar algunas visitas de lugares atractivos con fotos y eso me da la oportunidad de venir a esta comunidad para que puedan apreciar edificios modernos y amigables con el planeta, como es el caso del Centro Comercial Los Molinos.


I remember about two years ago or more, I showed you the Christmas decoration in this mall and like that time I say again that this is an outstanding construction for its architectural design and for having a complete ecological program called Molinos Azul with the aim of caring for the environment betting on a bluer planet which for me is an amazing feature. That is why I think this is an exemplary architectural work and a model to follow for all architects regardless of the size of the works that are directed because you always have to think about the planet as does the Los Molinos Shopping Center.

Recuerdo que hace como dos años o más, les mostré la decoración navideña en este centro comercial y como esa vez vuelvo a decir que esta es una construcción destacada por su diseño arquitectónico y por tener un completo programa ecológico llamado Molinos Azul con el objetivo de cuidar el medio ambiente apostando a un planeta más azul lo que para mi es una característica asombrosa. Por eso pienso que esta es una obra arquitectonica ejemplar y modelo a seguir para todos los arquitectos sin importar la envergadura de las obras que se dirijan porque siempre hay que pensar en el planeta como lo hace el Centro Comercial Los Molinos.


Outside the mall there are windmills of different designs and well, as it was a quick visit because I was in a hurry to attend to an errand I could only take these pictures where you can see traditional windmills and other models, like the ones you see next to the name of Los Molinos.

En el exterior del centro comercial hay molinos de vientos de distintos diseños y bueno, como fue una visita rápida porque estaba apurado atendiendo una deligencia solo pude tomar estas fotos donde se pueden ver molinos tradicionales y de otro modelo, como los que se ven a un lado del nombre de Los Molinos.




The windmills announce from their facades the friendship they have with the planet and when you enter the mall you can enjoy its beauty, modernity and its sustainability program, Molinos Azul. I start by showing the roof covered with solar panels.

Los molinos anuncian desde sus fachadas la amistad que tiene con el planeta y al entrar se disfruta del centro comercial desde su belleza, modernidad y desde su programa de sostenibilidad Molinos Azul. Empiezo por mostrar el techo cubierto de paneles solares.








I understand that due to the extension of its green roof Los Molinos Shopping Center has the largest amount of energy production with solar panels, then Los Molinos is aluminized and powered by solar love rays 😎

Tengo entendido que por la extención de su techo ecológico el Centro Comercial Los Molinos tiene la mayor cantidad de producción de energía con paneles solares, entonces Los Molinos se alumina y funciona con rayos de amor solar 😎







Los Molinos also takes advantage of rainwater to distribute it through an irrigation system for the plants that adorn the mall, and there are signs in the planters informing the public about this function, which is part of the mall's blue program.

También Los Molinos aprovecha el agua de lluvia para distribuirla con un sistema de riego para las plantas que adornan el centro comercial y en las jardineras hay avisos que le informan al público sobre esta función que es parte del programa azul del centro comercial.







The parking lot of Los Molinos Mall is also a place that promotes environmental care with the presence of charging stations for electric vehicles and bicycle parking, but I could only take a picture of the green station for electric vehicles, which is part of a program called Sustainable Mobility created by EPM, Empresas Públicas de Medellín.

El parqueadero del Centro Comercial Los Molinos también es un lugar que promueve el cuidado al medio ambiente con la presencia de estaciones de carga para los vehículos electricos y parqueadero para bicicletas, pero solo pude tomar una foto a la estación verde para vehículos eléctricos, la cual es parte de un programa llamado Movilidad Sostenible creado por la EPM, Empresas Públicas de Medellín.


In the park there are signs that work on the visitors' minds to make them feel identified with your facilities by showing them love.

En el parquedero hay avisos que trabajan la mente de los visitantes para que se sientan identificados con sus instalaciones demostrandole amor.



Also in the parking lot there is an area for the so-called post-consumer waste points, Bottles with Love and Ecobot, from the Molinos Azul program. There are several containers to deposit waste plastic, paper, glass, aluminum, light bulbs and batteries, a good idea to dispose them without harming the environment and to receive a coupon for discounts at the mall 🙂

También en el parqueadero está una zona para los llamados Puntos de residuos post consumo, Botellas con Amor y Ecobot, del programa Molinos Azul. Alli están varios contenedores para depositar desechos de plástico, papel, vidrio, aluminio, bombillas y pilas, una buena idea para desecharlos sin dañar el medio ambiente y para recibir un cupón para descuentos en el centro comercial 🙂






Los Molinos Shopping Center aims to convey an ecological message so that its visitors enjoy the facilities while they are part of its blue program. Amazing.

El Centro Comercial Los Molinos tiene el objetivo de transmitir un mensaje ecológico para que sus visitantes disfruten de las instalaciones mientras son parte de su programa azul. Asombroso.




What do you think of Los Molinos Shopping Center? For now I say goodbye and I hope you liked my content. Bye, bye.

¿Qué opinan del Centro Comercial Los Molinos? Por ahora me despido y espero que les haya gustado mi contenido. Chao, chao.

This publication allocates 5% to the @archmoments account and 5% to the @aplusd account to support the valuable work being done in this wonderful community by the hand of @storiesoferne, to whom I am very grateful for the support I have received and also the one given to the rest of architecture lovers. I do this delegation of my own free will and without any personal interest.

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keep watching and reading / Nos seguimos viendo y leyendo

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Bienvenidos a mi blog



C/Architecture+Design 🌀 C/Mundo Autismo


C/Visual Shots

Logos owned by the communities / Logos propiedad de las comunidades

Original content - Photos and images of my property. If you want to use one as a reference, please highlight my name as a source: @sorprendente
Contenido original - Fotos e imágenes de mi propiedad. Si desea usar alguna como referencia destaque mi nombre como fuente: @sorprendente


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Hey @sorprendente you are welcome.
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Hello @sorprendente I was delighted to learn about this mall. The work they do to protect the environment is very important. It would be wonderful if there were many places like this all over the world. Excellent photos my friend 🤗

Hola @sorprendente me encantó conocer este centro comercial. Es muy importante el trabajo que hacen para proteger el medio ambiente. Sería maravilloso que hayan muchos lugares así en todo el mundo. Excelentes fotos amigo 🤗

Glad you like Los Molinos Mall, it is an example to follow. Regards @mayramalu

@tipu curate 8

Thank you very much @parauri

Hello @sorprendente, a unique shopping center with a beautiful design and a very intelligent way of taking advantage of solar energy, it would be great if shopping centers took advantage of the sun's energy to take care of the planet.


I'm glad you like this whole mall, I really enjoy seeing places that are friendly to the planet. Greetings @belkyscabrera

A shopping complex built to advocate for the environment and our planet's sustainability in general will always triumph as champions. With a combination of ecologically friendly architecture plus the practice of green programs within its incredible spaces are excellent examples that all commercial establishments must imitate. Impressive building @sorprendente! ☺️

Yes, @storiesoferne this is a building that impresses and then I will show other equally impressive features, it is so important to publicize this type of buildings that are good examples to follow. Thank you dear friend for leaving your opinion about Los Molinos Shopping Center. Greetings!

Architecture becomes more planet-friendly when it supports the long-term survival of the environment thru its construction methods and ecological initiatives. And this spectacular mall deserves our praise and appreciation @sorprendente! ☺️

Thank you so much @archmoments for giving recognition to this modern and ecological architectural work. Best regards! 🙂