- Each poem in my book will have a themed visual because I enjoy books with images that enhance imagination. I love beautiful visuals that bring the words to life. This is one of the things I want the readers to enjoy.
- The name Fragments of Fire comes from the fact that I was able to retrieve all my old poems from 2 to 3 years ago. My plan is to compile them into one book. While these poems are available for free, they were scattered and lacked the refined presentation you'll find in the book. Here, everything is more organized and visually appealing. That’s why it takes so much time—to clean up the poems and create themed visuals for each one, enhancing them even further.
- I enjoyed working with this piece the blood splatter was fun to make 😅
- Out of all the visuals I made so far this one is my favorite. I didn't expect the background puzzle piece blend together so well with the picture in the middle, it was so easy for me to build it. I love it perfect.
Hope you enjoy the work in progress so far I managed to finish 35 pages.
- Proof: 35 pages are done! Unfortunately, I can't show you the content yet. I spent the whole night writing, but don’t worry—samples will be available when the time comes. If you like them, you can place an order. If not, no problem—just ignore it! 😊
Amazon requires a minimum of 75 pages to publish a hardcopy of a book. Anything below that is only available as an e-book. Remember Broken Bonds by Caelum1Infernum, my first book? It has only 23 pages, so it wasn’t eligible for a hardcopy. I was quite sad when I found out, but it’s okay—I won’t make that mistake again.
In fact, I’m thinking of including Broken Bonds as a bonus in my third book. That way, you’ll be able to get a hardcopy of Broken Bonds too. How cool is that?.... No not cool..... OK 😢....
Anyway I'm extremely sleepy its time for bed I work the whole night and still didn't finish the book 😂😂
Thank you for following on this work in progress with me take care and keep safe everyone.
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Amazon Broken Bonds By Caelum1infernum
made by @tydynrain
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- Goals in Hive: Raise HP and Build my chicken farm business to success.
- Keep your expenses low put some into savings and some into investing you need to create passive income financial freedom is the life everyone deserves - caelum1infernum
- The best feeling to be a man is when you can spend money on your mum - caelum1infernum