Hello friends, good day you'll hope everyone is going well .i will be sharing a recipe popular known in most countries which is plantain with a combination of grounded corn which can be called (pap) in my country, very delicious combination and easy to prepare.
Grounded corn ( pap )
Half teaspoon of salt
Groundnuts oil
Step 1
Wash your plantain before piling off the back of it , then slice it in your desire shape add little salt and stir with your clean hand then place aside.
Step 2
Place a clean frying pan on your stove, add groundnuts oil inside your pan then allow it to heat for 2 minutes.
Step 3
Pour your plantain inside the hot oil , fry till golden brown
Step 4
Bring out your grounded corn pour a little quantity on your plate, add room temperature water mixed very well then place aside.
Step 5
Bring out a kettle, pour water inside then place it on your stove. Allow it to boil
Step 6
Pour your boiled water inside your grounded corn allow it to cool down before drinking, it can also be talking both hot and cold depending on your weather .