Greetings my friends, i hope your day was good , i will be sharing with everyone what my dinner was today , a delicious plants based meal which is tomato sauce with rice and beans. Rice is a popular food known in different countries and can be prepared in different ways , it's a very simple meal with little ingredients . It is very perfect for #vegans
1 cup of rice
5 fresh tomatoes
3 hot fresh pepper
3 middle onions
1 tablespoon salt
fresh bay leaves
Half cup of beans
1 Cooking spoon palm oil
Bring out a cooking pot , place it on top of your fire add water to it and your wash beans then cover to cook .
Next, Bring out another separate cooking pot add water to it, wash your rice three times then place it inside the pot of water cover to cook .
wash and chop or grind tomatoes and pepper
Slice onion and set aside
add your palm oil in a plain hot pot, together with your sliced tomatoes mix and onions
Put in your ingredients inside and cover to heat for five minutes.
Our delicious meal is ready to eat