Hello my friends, how are you doing today? i hope you are doing great, meanwhile i spent a calm Saturday today , and i will be sharing you all some sweet and delicious recipe which is plantain and potato porridge filled with little dry leaves super easy to make with very few ingredients .
5 potato
6 plantain
4 fresh pepper
1 medium onion
1 spoon of Salt
Palm oil
Handful of dry leaves
Step 1
Place your cooking pot on your stove, add water to it and cover to boil.
Step 2
Start by cutting off your potato skin wash them and place aside when done.
open your boiling water add a little salt to it before pouring your wash potatoes inside your cooking pot , cover to cook
Step 3
Preparing ingredients
Cut your onion, fresh pepper and dry leave place them aside .
Open your pot add your pilled plantain to your cook potatoes , add your palm oil , salt , onions and fresh pepper to it stir a little then cover for five minutes.
Opening your cooking pot after five minutes add your dry leaves to it then cover your pot for some second and