A very sweet morning blessings to all my veggies in this lovely comunity, i am glad and very much happy to be in this lovely comunity this blessed morning. I have this home made vegetable water, made from vegitable leave, very rich in all aspect, e.g, its rich in nutrient,
Vitamins and minerals, supports digestive health, boast immune system functions, it helps in detoxification, helps to lower high blood pressure there by providing blood to the body system.
Vegetable water is highly recommended for anyone going through lack of blood,Anti-inflammatory problems.
Most at times I use vegetable in almost all my meals because of its important nature to once system.
So making this drink this morning to drink its a fulfilled agenda this morning.
All i have to say is that it's fantastic that you incorporate vegetables into most of your meals and make vegetable water a part of your routine.
I will be showing you all my simple way of making it with just some minuted.
Below are the measurement and the recipies.
A glass of water 300ml
Vegitable leave weighing 0.3kg
Measurement cup for the drink
Human power resources
Firstly you will have to cut the vegetable leave out of the steam
Put it in a rubber for washing then put water and wash it very well. For me i love washing my vegetable leave three to four times. For all the dirts to be out.
Bring it out of the water into the tray so that you can cut them into smaller pieces for the water to be easily drilled out.
After the cutting process you will have to turn it into a smaller rubber so that the screezing process will be simple. You will put a glass of water to enable the water come out well and plenty for the body as well to take much quantity.
After pressing it, i will use the shifter to shift it so that the leafe will be seperated from the water. I will put it in the measureing cup.
To totally bring out all the water i had to use my hands to screeze it out so that i can finnally drink my water.
The end produce is here and i am happily drinking my juice in peace as my body system is cool and calm right now.
Make this recipes your daily recipes for a healthy body system