Goodevening lovers of good food. I hppe that all of you here are doing very good. This is my first time posting here i discovered this comunity while i was just going through hive comunity and i said to my self that i will create beautiful content here. I am a lover of food and i love cooking.
So today i will be showing you all the process of cooking this sweet porrage plantain with scent leaf for my little nice who is still in school. It is actually for her launch yesterday which was a friday. On a regular i have been cooking just portage with vegetable leaf for him to take to school but the mother told me to change the recipies for him since he was complaing that he doesn't like porrage with vegetables like that so i decided to try new things for him.
Using this scent leafe to cook this porrage is something out of this world because after cooking with this recipe i had to try it and i am very sure of cooking this particular food for my breakfast tomorow .
Unripe plantain with scent leaf to the world....
These are my recipies
Five Unripe plantains
Fresh pepper
Maggi cubes
A tea spone of Salt
Three tea spone of Crayfish very important
Red oil
Scent leave
One Onions
First of all i will gether all my incredient for the food preparation
I will peal the plantain and put in water for washing to avoid the sands.
After washing the plantain i will prepare it for cutting. But before cutting it i will scrap the body using the knit so that while cooking it will serve as a tickener for the porrage.
I cut the plantain into cubes.
After that i will pure it inside the pot.
I will put the blended fresh pepper
Put blended crayfish
Put maggi three cubes
Put a tea spon of salt
I will cut the onions and put inside it
I will put water and then put it on top of the fire and cover it. I will allow it to boil for a while before putting the next ingredient
After allowing it to boil and seeing that the plantain have started getting done i will put the red oil and allow it to still boil for a while.
At the end i will put the scent leaf and then bring down the pot from fire and i will dish his own plus my own oooo
So immaging eating this sweet food for my breakfast tomorrow.
Lovely saturday evening my people.