Basmati rice broccoli and tomatoes 🩷🩷 ( ENG/ESP)

Good morning hivers how are you? I've been absent a bit these days because my husband and I were attending some medical appointments and then I babysat a friend's son so I haven't been on hive much.

Here I am today with another of my healthy but delicious recipes, as I had already said in other posts here, basmati rice is not very popular but I personally love it!

For this recipe you will need:

  • 90 grams of basmati rice
  • 3 salad tomatoes
  • 2 celery leaves
  • 30 grams of celery
  • 3 tablespoons of salt
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 100 grams of broccoli

First we clean the celery and cut the part we are interested in from the top into fine slices, put the leaves aside, then clean the salad tomatoes well.


Buenos días hivers ¿cómo estás? He estado un poco ausente estos días porque mi esposo y yo estábamos asistiendo a unas citas médicas y luego cuidé al hijo de una amiga así que no he estado mucho en Hive.

Aquí estoy hoy con otra de mis recetas saludables pero deliciosas, como ya había dicho en otros posts aquí, el arroz basmati no es muy popular pero a mí personalmente me encanta!

Para esta receta necesitarás:

  • 90 gramos de arroz basmati
  • 3 tomates para ensalada
  • 2 hojas de apio
  • 30 gramos de apio
  • 3 cucharadas de sal
  • 3 cucharadas de aceite
  • 100 gramos de brocòli

Primero limpiamos el apio y cortamos la parte que nos interesa de la parte superior en rodajas finas, reservamos las hojas, luego limpiamos bien los tomates de ensalada.

Then we take the tomatoes and cut them into fine pieces, put them in a bowl with the celery and on top we take the celery leaves and crumble them with our hands, don't pay attention to my husband who wanted to be a fool and put himself in the photos. Then we prepare a pot full of water, salt it and put it to boil over a low heat, in the meantime we take the broccoli, clean it, cut off the stem and break and divide the tops. When the water boils we throw all the vegetables into the pan and let them cook for about ten minutes then add the rice which we will cook with the vegetables for another twenty-five minutes then we drain everything and serve hot or cold as desired with two tablespoons of oil on top for flavour, a good, plentiful and healthy recipe!


Luego cogemos los tomates y los cortamos en trozos finos, los ponemos en un bol con el apio y encima cogemos las hojas de apio y las desmenuzamos con las manos, no le hagáis caso a mi marido que quiso ser tonto y se puso en las fotos. Luego preparamos una olla llena de agua, le salamos y lo ponemos a hervir a fuego lento, mientras tanto cogemos el brócoli, lo limpiamos, le cortamos el tallo y lo partimos y dividimos las puntas. Cuando hierva el agua echamos todas las verduras a la sartén y las dejamos cocer unos diez minutos luego añadimos el arroz que cocinaremos con las verduras otros veinticinco minutos luego escurrimos todo y servimos caliente o frío al gusto con dos cucharadas de aceite encima para darle sabor, ¡una receta buena, abundante y saludable!

First picture edited by canva, translation with deepl.


I love this dish of assorted vegetables with rice. Broccoli is very nutritious and tasty. As you rightly say, it's a healthy and delicious recipe, is the idea. Greetings.

Thanks 💞

That recipe looks so healthy and delicious! 🥦🍅 I love basmati rice too—it's so fragrant and light.

True !!❤️

Looks tasty 😋


Looks and sounds very healthy and tasty too! I prefer Basmati rice, never cook any other.
Have a great weekend @noemilunastorta!

I like too basmati rice 🍚😋😋

Rice is one of my favorites so I love it cooked anyhow, and this tour recipe looks really good.

Nice food

Thanks 💕

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Hope everything went well with the appointments. Excited to see your new healthy and delicious recipe!

Yes yes 💕💕😂

nice new way of cooking rice, I have never tried it

It's quite easy 💕5

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Thanks 👍


Thank ❤️

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