A busy day in my life. Our country's popular 'mouitha pitha' recipe made with only one ingredient.

in Threespeaklast year

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Every day of our girls is busy. Many people think that those who don't work outside may just sit and rest at home all day. But that is completely wrong. We who are housekeepers have to do a lot of work throughout the day. Taking care of the children, keeping the house clean, cooking all the work but we have to do it alone.In terms of eating and drinking, children's afdar, husband's afdar, mother-in-law's afdar, these are but a girl alone has to do.In today's video I show you some moments of my busy day which I share with you.

Today I was making mouitha Pitha at my house to fulfill my husband's request.No ingredients are needed to make this cake. Only rice powder and salt should be used. A very popular pitha in our country.You can try it at home and you will definitely have fun.

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Looks like this pitha is very tasty to eat, although made of one ingredient it is very easy to make.I remember eating it when I was a child, but haven't had it in a long time.Thanks for sharing a nice pitha.

thank you, bro

Wow, today you have made a very good recipe of Mouitha Pitha, which I am very happy to see. And you are right, a housewife has a lot of work to do.

It is called mera pitha in our region. this father is very delicious to eat I used to eat this pitha from my grandmother. whenever I used to go to my uncles' house she used to make this merapita for me it can be preserved for a long time. s watching this video of you I remember in my childhood .

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