Why Do I Do Bad When I Want To Do Good. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago

Bro Eli Soriano explained to us that even the Apostle Paul had the same experience. The apostle raised the alarm that while I wanted to obey the laws of God, he saw another law working in his body.

Many of us have this experience. We find ourselves resolving not to get involved in one unholy act or the other but we could not be able to keep ourselves from it. We have in our hearts the desire to please God, yet we observe the we are unconsciously following the desires of our flesh.

Bro Eli Soriano said that we must be washed from our sins through baptism. We must discipline ourselves to deny our flesh what it desires and choose to obey God. We must repent intentionally from our sins. We must obey the commandments of God.

It is not by our ability that we will be able to overcome this. We will submit to the power of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. We must allow the Word of God to rule our hearts and minds. We must choose to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit everyday.


There are times when we want to stop ourselves from engaging in an holy act but that takes the grace of God to happen

The Holy Spirit will be our helper in this regard, to do the Will of God.

A man who subjects himself totally to Holy spirit and the Word of God would be guided to do the right thing.

When we get baptized for the washing away of our sins and we follow the commandments of God, we will overcome the power of the flesh

We must deny our flesh and study God's word.

The flesh makes us to commit sin.