What makes being a genuine disciple of our lord Jesus Christ?

in MCGI Cares Hive11 days ago

Disciples in my own opinion means a group of people who are under the leadership, control and supervision of a person called their leader and these group of people follow a laid down rules and regulations organized by their leader. It doesn't mean they are working for their leader but they want to gain skills and knowledge needed to guide them through out their existence in life so they obey and abide by the ruyand regulations presented by their leader.

The essence of this content is about requirements to be met to become a genuine discipline of our lord Jesus Christ. For this to be possible, we must obey his rules and regulations that is following God’s path and worshipping him consistently without diverting to other gods, ee must also study the eord of God by reading the bible, avoid breaking the ten commandments laid down and by so doing, we shall be qualified to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We should not be confused with the 12 disciples in the Bible by thinking that those are the only ones Jesus has affirmed as his disciples, we can also become one of his disciples if we do as he ordered us in the bible to do.

In excess, what makes us a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ is us being a complete christian by worshipping him and not just that avoid being trapped in the cage of darkness by breaking any of the 10 commandments and by so doing ee have no problem. Thanks.