Mass Indoctrination Program For 08/01/2024

in MCGI Cares Hive8 months ago


Mass Indoctrination Program For 08/01/2024


Thank God for today mass indoctrination program as much we are taught by Brother Eli with word of God as the James 5:16 illustrated for us the Christians to pray for our brother and sisters, as much in doing that or engaging in such, helps we Christians alot to find healing as mutual Relationship is established while we relates to our fellow, who really have the same believers us that build humility and unity among us, thereby getting the Christian family to another established ground.

As much as we love, there is a need to recognize the significance of love, because in 1 Peter 4:7 let us understand that love covers a lot, which implies when there is established love there is forgiveness and all men that are aligned to the doctrine of Christ. Also there is need for us to look into Proverb 24:9 where we are alerted upon the foolish is the one whose plans are detestable as much as wisdom and having discernment is what is expected from us.

So brethren, there is need for everyone to confess his or her sin, when ever we have gone against, hence by doing that gives acknowledgement of what we have done as much as Forgiveness is assumed to follow suit. By doing all this keeps and retains us in faith in God our spiritual cleansing is maintained. Also the book of Proverb 28:13 let us understand that confession leads to mercy from our father, which is accompanied with honesty that has to do with repentance which is mainly to take us from where we are by his grace.

There is every need for every believers to understand what what Luke 4:25-27 said concerning God grace which is capable in transcending us from where we are today to a greater place and also there is also need for us to understand what the book of Isaiah 65:24 has for us based on God being eager to attained to our prayers as much as this verse let us understand that before we pray that God has answered us, telling us that we have a faithful father who is eager to keep his promises for us.

So therefore let's pray with a sincere heart not to prayer repeatable unto God because God is not deaf from hearing us, so the book of Matthew 6:7-8 let us to understand all this such as sincere and earnest prayer is what God needs from us rather that repeating prayers always, so therefore being faithful and being devoted to God's calling gives us the revelation and a much as divine favor we want as Christians as the book of Daniel 9:22-23 havenit for us.



• Daniel 6:10 let us understand that we need to be committed in praying and as well dedicated to our faith.

• Psalm 16:3 Advised us to live a righteous life, because it brings out the best from us.

• 1 Thessalonians 4;16 Reminded us that Christ is the key for our hope and comfort in our faith.

• Ephesians 3:15 Enlighten us that every family is from God, hence it is our duty to keep and maintain peace which God wants from us.

Thanks MCGI
Am samuel

Note: The linebreaker is created by me, image from zoom meeting


