in MCGI Cares Hive5 months ago


Glory to God for another awesome Thanksgiving service of the MCGI indeed we have to give thanks to God for all his good works in our lives and for his wonderful works in the church of God and for using Brother Eli Soriano and Brother Daniel Ruzor to bless us may the name of the Lord be praise

During the Thanksgiving service I really learnt alot from Brother Daniel Ruzor who emphasised on the importance for us as believers to live a righteousness life a life that have God in it and also being us in right stand with God and some of the ways to show we are living a righteousness life is by

Living a good life We should be good to everyone showing love and care to all no matter the evil done to us we should not repay evil with evil rather we should continue with our goodness expecting our reward from God and not man we should have the right manner of life a lifestyle that is acceptable to God from 1 PETER 3:16-18 we understand that for us to live the good and right manner of life we must have a Good Conscience when we have a good conscience it will prevent us from doing evil our conscience is like a medium where the holy Spirit talks to us when we keep it alive it will help us to discern between good and bad and will direct us to doing the good works but when it is dead in sin we will not hear from the holy Spirit again because we will become unrighteousness and then become the children of the devil 1 JOHN 3:10 It will cause the Holy Spirit to depart from us because he cannot dwell in iniquities so for us to keep harbouring the Holy Spirit and to abstain from sin we must keep our conscience alive and clean


√ Also for us to live a righteousness life there must be need for Sanctification which means holiness we must abstain from all sin that defiles the Spirit of God in us from 1 THESSALONIANS 4:3 we understand that Sanctification is the will of God for us if God will continue living in us we must be sanctified and cleanse from every form of evil so we can be holy as Christ is holy ROMANS 7:12 it is not just by saying we are living a right life we should also ensure God is living in us

√ Living a righteousness life entails having the Fear of God the fear of God keeps us away from sin and make us live a life that is pleasing to God the righteous fears God and turns away from evil we took our example from the man Job in JOB 1:9 Job so feared the Lord that even the devil knew about it and God bless him for that and prospered him let our fear for God be so evident for the world to see the fear of God is the bases of all things when we fear God we will obey all his commandments we won't want to do anything that will displease God because the fear of God in us won't allow us to do such



  • I learnt how to listen to my conscience because it's like a guide to living a righteousness life in God when we want to do a thing and our conscience condemns us we should listen to it and not continue the thing because if our conscience is against what we want to do then God is also against it 1 JOHN 3:20 MATTHEW 28:20 we should not allow the devil to corrupt our minds we should save guide it to jealously 2 CORINTHIANS 11:3
  • MATTHEW 5:16 I also learnt that we should live a good live to show the light of God in us let's help people who are in need and give to the best of our ability We should be Happy when men persecute us for the sake of Christ we should not try to repay them back with evil let us continue with the good works of faith
  • I learnt to have faith in God GALATIANS 2:20 the live that we live is of God and we should trust God to guide us so we won't make any mistakes in life

I pray God helps us to live a righteous life acceptable to Him





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It is a good thing to give thanks into the Lord and to tell of his goodness to all generations.
