Most times in life God allows us to go through hardship and suffering from the teaching I understand that not every suffering or hardship is bad or evil there are some which comes from God and everything that comes from God is good including the hardship that comes from him he only permitted it to happen because he knows it's for our own good Also it is important we know that not all hardship is from God Some hardship comes from the wickedness of men lovers of money selfish people who doesn't want any other person to progress except them these are enemies of God but when the suffering is coming from God we should know that he wants to teach us something from it


Reading from the book of Romans 8:18 the bible through apostle Paul was telling us the glory that lies ahead of the suffering God brought our way this means that once we pass the test of the suffering God brought to us there is a crown of glory awaiting which cannot be compared to the suffering we went through and again in Romans 5:3-5 the importance of being patience and rejoicing in our tribulations God brings problems to use to teach us the importance of patients in him and his word to enjoy the hope of his coming and without tribulations or suffering we will not learn about the beauty of patient which is a unique virtue



Coming to the importance of patience
Patience makes us to be triumphant makes us to be professionals in what we do it helps us achieve our goal in life patience helps us attain the path of light without patience we can not finish well in everything we do including our studies our work or relationship patience is a vital keys to greatness in life and we can only gain patience through tribulations and in verse 4 of Romans 5 we understand that patience comes with experience and experience helps you solve any similar reoccurring problems or even ideas on how to go about the challenge and then after experience comes hope
When we don't build our patience in tribulations we will lose hope of ever getting out of the problem


So the best way to solve a problem is to first be patient with God in your tribulations and understand if the suffering is coming from God and then in our patience build experience which will give birth to hope and hope brings light to all situation
