in MCGI Cares Hivelast year

Another wonderful opportunity to witness the sound of God's servant whose God almighty has been using greatly to bless us.

It was a great opportunity to listen to more of God's doctrine today as our beloved brother Eli Soriano moved in a great way through the help of God's word in teaching us God's word.

Let's us see the book of 2 CORINTHIANS 4:16 that as man created In God's image that they are two being which is been found in us which are the INNER BEING and OUTWARD BEING.we were taught that the outward being who is that which can turn to worm out,it perishes.therefore we must not be seen as people who hope on it rather we are to embraced the inner being which would not faint of get tired, but shines everyday of our life in christ Jesus.

Verse 18 according to God's word is that as true Christans who believe in God and who have a greater hope In God, we must not hope on things which are temporary knowing that one day they are going to fade off but we are to hope on things which are above and that which lasts forever.

MATTHEW 7 :15 we must be seen as people who test spirit before we believe them, making sure that they are truly from God because they are a lot of false prophets all over the world now, who comes in their own name to teach their DOCTRINE and to make out wealth for themselves thereby leading the children of God to destruction.therefore we must be greatly rooted in God's word so that we won't be easily deceived.

GENESIS 1:26 Man which was made in God's image shows that we are unique being on the sight of God, therefore we must not be seen as people who makes ourselves a sheep In a wolf clothing by putting on good looks but inside of us,our heart are filled with malice and bitterness toward our fellow brethren,we are seen as people who hates one another, we despise and speak evil things about our fellow brethren ,we blasphemy against one other.

God expect that we put on the good outward appearance inside of us which includes us loving one another, taking care of our fellow brethren and helping our fellow brethren especially those who are in the same household of faith with us, In as much as Christ Jesus has shown us greater love and the rightful pathway which we are to follow.

ROMANS 7:22 God's word is making us understand that Our Father in heaven delight in gladness and happiness when our inward being portrays God's way,so that through us people can turn onto God by turning away from their evil ways and reconciling with their Creator. knowing that they are the type of people which our father has come to rescue and set free.

From today's teaching I was able to understand that as being which are created by God that we must ensure that we possess the rightful inward being which is truly needed In us which are love, having patience toward our fellow brethren , sharing and caring for people and removing beast character and attitudes in us and In all keeping our hope In things which are above knowing that they are for eternity.


I can't wait for the indoctrination to return next week. May God continue to bless us by His word

Amen brother