in MCGI Cares Hive2 months ago


It was awesome I'm today's God's gathering because I believed today God's word was out to refill and to make us to come to more of knowledge of God's word with the help of God's servant Brother Eli Soriano who has always stand firm in making us understand the true teachings and doctrines of God.

God's servant Brother Eli Soriano taught us
•What is prayer

•How every believer is expected to pray

•Reasons why we must not pray just to show off.

Fristly God's servant taught us that prayer is a great way through we can Communion with our father in heaven. It is said to be a private way which we use I'm talking to our father in heaven who Is our creator. Therefore we must not be seen as people who jokes with has to be a routine in our life coming to the knowledge that our father in heaven values the prayer of the just.

Let see some great Scriptural quotes which was dish out today by God's servant let see MATTHEW 6:7-8, ISAIAH 65:24-25, ECCLESIASTES 5:1-2, MATTHEW 6:5-6, MARK 11:25-26, ACT 20:36, MATTHEW 26:39, MATTHEW 15:34-36,1 CORINTHIANS 11:5-9. May God keep blessing his word.

Let's see God's word according to the book of MATTHEW 6:7-9 We are made to understand that one of God's great doctrine about prayers is that we are not expected to keep repeating prayers unto the ears of our father in heaven. We are made to understand that God's knows our heart that even before we ask that it shall be granted unto us, what is greatly expected from us is that we are to only ask that which we need at that point in time and greatly believing that it shall be done unto us.

We must not be seen as people who boast while praying but we are to know that prayer is our quite time which we have with our God In heaven, therefore we are not expected to show off but to pray In meekness of heart and with humbleness of mind should we call upon the name of God in all trusting God that definitely he will do all which we have asked for him.

We are to pry with humbleness of mind by kneeling down HORIZONTALLY in God's presence and when we pray let us try not to get distracted by things around us rather we are meant to keep a close connection with God whenever we are praying and let's make that our heart is pure in mind and free from malice and grudges which we hold to our fellow brethen In Christ Jesus.


Prayer is a great weapon of every true believer therefore let us ensure that we pray day and night without season. It should never be a seasonal occasion In our life but it should be in us in everyday of our life and in all our daily activities and when we are sen praying let us not keep repeating prayers I'm the ears of God knowing that he knows they which he will do that will gladdens our heart but in all let us always pray with faith and believing that it shall be done.