Of a great truth God has been greatly using his servant in teaching and making me to understand his word and teaching. I can't thank God enough for bringing me closer to this great family which has been helping me in channeling my life towards God's path.
Depression, hunger and war is what many christians are facing today which have made most of them think that God does not exist forgetting that in order to attract the favour of GOD, we must be seen as people who are ready to do the will and not to do things which will in fold brings condemnation, depression and suffering to us as true Christian we are.
We were made to understand that God has good plans for his children which is never to die of war or hunger. But for us as God's children to remove ourselves from all manners of suffering we must be seen as people who stands on Gods path as seen according to the book of DEUTERONOMY 13:19-20.
See the book of HEBREW 6:18 We were made to understand that our father in heaven never lies that he forever stands in his words and what is this his word, he has promised us with long life, prosperity and to be in good health. Therefore let us stick to doing his well so that starvation and suffering will never be seen as our portion.
God has given us freedom to choose between life and death. And as many who choose life which is Jesus Christ being the light of the world shall be blessed and suffering shall never he recorded in our history and in thesame way as many who have decided not to walk in the path of life but have chosen the path of death which is destruction shall be wiped off by hunger ,war and suffering.
Let us keep to Gods commandments as God has made us to understand that as many who shall not harken unto doing his will are bound to be cursed as seen according to his will and word in the book of DEUTERONOMY 28:19:20.