Now according to Gods servant we were made to understand according to Gods word that Baptism is renewing of someone from his or her wrong path and clinging on God by deannoucing the works of the devil and becoming a new man in Christ Jesus.
Now as we all know that Christ Jesus the son of God is free from sin. He is found holy and worthy. We were made to understand that he only came to fulfill that which is written in Gods word as seen according to the book of MATTHEW 3:15 Christ Jesus was made to be baptized so that Gods word will be ordianed.
Now let explore God's word according, God's word made us to understand that we must go into the world win souls and get them BAPTIZED In the name of God. Therefore in thesame way God instructed his son that he might be as well BAPTISED so that, that which is written in Gods word can be fufiled.
Jesus son of God came to be baptized so that Gods word can be fufiled. let us see the book of HEBREW 10:7 This God's word is telling us that Jesus found out that which is written in Gods word and that is why he prove loyal so that, that which is written in Gods word can be fufiled.