EDIT: Apologies Travelfeed, I forgot to change the posting community to the Foodie Community!
This is an update to my earlier post/review of Ramen O in Canberra last month. In the previous review, I had mentioned that I had visited during a free lunch break with my wife... and we had both said that we should really revisit with our daughters as there were probably things on the menu that they would really love!
And we had returned... and this time, I got what my wife had ordered last time... a slightly citrusy Yuzu broth variant of the ramen soup which is slightly tangy and definitely much less salty! I loved it last time when my wife ordered it, and I thought it would be great for this time!
My older daughter settled on a little set menu... a half bowl of ramun with a little dessert and a choice of drink. She chose a Japanese ramune lemonade, with a little marble to push down to unseal it... and mango mochi as her dessert. The ramen was the regular one with the usual broth.
... and my wife was going the repeat her earlier order, but in the end, settled on the same set menu, with the Yuzu broth and a strawberry mochi (and iced unsweetened cold green tea... which was a little strange... just like drinking watery cold green tea...).
In the end, I think that these would have been the perfect options for me as well.. the whole set cost significantly less than the full ramen bowl... and you get a little dessert and a drink as well... and the half ramen is more than enough for small eaters like us!
... and the little mochis are really nice... subtle flavoured (bean?) paste with a soft rice paste outside... and some cream in the middle. Served chilled! A nice way to cleanse the palette after a stronger tasting ramen broth!
My little one opted for the kids meal... a small ramen with a juice box... and more importantly, two gyoza dumplings! Oddly enough, she didn't really like the soup of the ramen... found it spicy, even though it wasn't (and they do a special soup for the kids...). But the dumplings were a hit... as expected!
So, the update... the revisit with the kids was a success... but ramen still isn't their favourite Japanese food. Still sushi... but this is going to be a great place to go to in the depths of winter!