Moment of reflection in the mall.

in Lifestylelast year
Normally I always go to places with lots of air conditioning, logically I go to a bar, restaurant or a mall this time it would be the **Unicenter mall** which is by Panamericana in ***Buenos Aires*.**

You may wonder why this one and not another one? Well because this one has more variety and it is close to my house and when looking for public transportation it is more accessible in that place.

I always buy something there specifically in Zara, from time to time, but when I go to Zara and I see the prices I ask myself: Why is it so expensive? well the devaluation leaves us gifts a week and it is always the prices, it is not to our liking because before we could buy many things with our salary and it was enough for more.




The high prices always tell me that I have to change my way of thinking at work, either I stay in this job or I change or another, look for ways to improve for my own benefit.

In the end what I could not buy I bought in other things, that in the end I could enjoy that in a lunch at KFC and an ice cream from Mcdonalds, pity that I could not buy the bag of protein I need for the gym did not have the Modo device in the store, I will buy it another.

I always have to have faith that everything is going to get better for better or for worse but I can't get discouraged because I still have my health.





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