Hello, Writing Warriors
Today was strange yet a good day. I got up at very unusual time. Well, I am not used to get up early in the morning but today I had to get up as early as sun was shinning to first air of the day. Actually, today was my exam of course which is known as Foundation of Literary Theory and Criticism.
I am seeing you that you are scratching your head and question is lingering in your mind that why there is any kind of exam on Sunday. Yes, Sunday is a holiday which is dedicated to rest and to recharge but my university and course teacher was not looking in favour to facilitate us with leisure of Sunday. My Sunday was looking haunted to me and it was more than Monday. Now Monday looks even more relaxing if I compare them with this latest Sunday.
It was kind of struggle for me to get up early. My mind was not in right phase because for my mind it was a new thing to wake up in such young sunlight. I dragged myself to washroom to take shower. Water was cold and my body was declining cold water that's why i turned on switch to fill the bucket with hot water. All done and i was dressed up for the new sunday.
Suited and booted, i was going towards English department and my mind was revising all the important topics for exam. In exam, my pen was stopping on at that time which my mind was dwelling into thinking. There was also struggle to collect the thoughts and to write.
When i was done with my exam i was relieved. I wanted to give treat to myself. We friends decided to go Rawalpindi which is a beautiful and old city attached with Capital City of Pakistan(Islamabad).
I was surprised to see a beautiful house standing high on one side of street. My eyes were struck on this beautiful building. It attracted attention of all of us fellows because it was somewhat peculiar to traditional architectural style which is being followed in region. In short, this style and color is looking unique, isn't it?
Street was colorful with different people. People were busy in their life and i was seemingly free who was pretending to be busy and capturing some snaps.

Well, there were many other houses but their style was not as much grand and unique as that of the previous one.
While we were walking by the street, my eyes fell on broken bricks and plants who were looking barren yet beautiful. My friends were along with me and i was enjoying the stroll with them.
You know where we were heading? We were going to local park to sit and share thoughts. On the way, we greeted so many materialistic and non-materialistic things. There was a car covered with deep dust. It's dustic look is captured in camera.
We reached park. People were there, some were walking, few were jogging and many were having conversations. There were little kids who were mapping the whole park and eyes can see kids everywhere in the park. At one moment they were here and in the next they are there.
Today,clouds were not much more prominent and sky was somewhat clean. Under that beautiful sky of light blue color, we were sitting on greenery and talking about daily lifestyle. We were telling everyday routine to each other. Education was prominent point in discussion and we were planning our next semester.

With heavy discussion,our minds were loaded and we decided to eat something in order to get proper dose of energy. In search of eating something we entered local shop Qasr-e-Shareen which is famous for it's sweet delicacies. My craving buds were eagerly waiting for pudding. I was unable to stop the force of craving buds.
There was a whole variety of delicacies but my heart was stopped on pudding of rice. It's my favorite one and whenever i go back home i always demand for this sweet dish. After paying bills, we took our package and headed to our apartment.
In our apartment, we had pudding of rice. It was delightful and filled with proper taste. My cravings were elevating with each spoon of pudding.
In the end when we had a good time then it was time to wave at each other and to go back to original home.

It was the day which was full of engaging activities where i enjoyed a lot with my friends.

Thank you so much for scrolling down.
Images are real