[ENG/ESP] Celebrating my friend Jefferson's Success / Celebrando el Éxito de mi amigo Jefferson

in Lifestyle9 months ago

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¡Hola a todos! Quiero compartir con ustedes un momento especial que vivimos recientemente. Nuestro amigo Jefferson, quien ha sido amigo desde hace varios años ya, expuso su trabajo de aplicación profesional para obtener el título de Ingeniero en Informática en la UNET, la misma universidad donde me gradué hace poco.

Hello everyone! I want to share with you a special moment we experienced recently. Our friend Jefferson, who has been a friend for several years now, presented his professional application work for his Computer Engineering degree at UNET, the same university where I recently graduated.



Fue una mañana intensa, llena de papeleo y trámites, pero yo siento que cada paso valió la pena. Ver a Jefferson presentar su trabajo fue un verdadero orgullo para todos nosotros. Su presentación destacó su conocimiento, habilidades en su campo de estudio. Fue evidente el arduo trabajo que había invertido para alcanzar este logro tan significativo.

It was an intense morning, full of paperwork and red tape, but I feel that every step was worth it. Watching Jefferson present his work was a real source of pride for all of us. His presentation highlighted his knowledge, skills and abilities in his field of study. It was evident how much hard work he had put in to achieve this significant accomplishment.



Después de la presentación, nos alegramos al saber que Jefferson será parte del próximo acto de grado, que se celebrará en el mes de julio.

After the presentation, we were happy to learn that Jefferson will be part of the next degree ceremony, which will be held in July.


Para celebrar este hito en la vida de Jefferson, decidimos ir a un restaurante llamado "Como en Casa" en la avenida 19 de abril. Este lugar es conocido por su ambiente acogedor ( a pesar de que estaba lloviendo) y deliciosa comida casera. Nos sentamos alrededor de una mesa, compartiendo risas, anécdotas y felicitaciones para nuestro amigo. Fue una manera perfecta de celebrar su éxito y disfrutar de una comida deliciosa juntos.

To celebrate this milestone in Jefferson's life, we decided to go to a restaurant called “Como en Casa” on 19 de abril avenue. This place is known for its cozy atmosphere (even though it was raining) and delicious homemade food. We sat around a table, sharing laughs, anecdotes and congratulations for our friend. It was a perfect way to celebrate his success and enjoy a delicious meal together.
To celebrate this milestone in Jefferson's life, we decided to go to a restaurant called “Como en Casa” on 19 de abril avenue. This place is known for its cozy atmosphere (even though it was raining) and delicious homemade food. We sat around a table, sharing laughs, anecdotes and congratulations for our friend. It was a perfect way to celebrate his success and enjoy a delicious meal together.







Queridos amigos, les agradezco por leerme. Nos vemos en la próxima aventura. ¡Hasta pronto!

Dear friends, thank you for reading me. See you in the next adventure, see you soon!

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