In Venezuela although it is a country that has a high inflation and many have left the country to seek new horizons and improvements for themselves and their family, here in Venezuela there are others that if we dare to undertake, and this is a case of those, of daring people wanting to get ahead and seek new income.
I did not know about this post called Oswaldo or that they were going to inaugurate this business of hot dogs, hamburgers, pepitos, and many other things, apparently they advertised through several social networks and one of them was TikTok by which they became very viral, and they said that the day of its inauguration on February 11 they were going to give away hot dogs to everyone who came to the stand, my daughter saw it and by chance of life, that day I left the place late and then I passed by looking for her and we also gave the tail to a sister of the church.
As soon as I passed by the street I saw that there were many people and I said, "What is this place, my daughter remembered the advertisement she had seen in tiktok and told me to stop and eat some dogs, the truth is that I did not believe her but I still turned around to park and take the opportunity to try these free hot dogs.
It is difficult to see that they are giving away something to eat and that it was not little, we got off and the truth was there were many people, as it is a kiosk on the street there were different people, and there was a queue but it passed quickly, we went and they gave us our hot dog, something I liked that they did not deny the sauces and potatoes, what I did not like much was the sausage but of course they were given away so they were not of the best quality, but as they say a caballo regalado no se le mira el colmillo.
While we were eating we took the opportunity to see the menu that was being carried by some promoter girls who were watching the new diners, which there were quite a few, on one side there were some tables where several people were trying the new menu, so soon I will come here to try the hamburgers because they looked good, as for the dogs I think they gave out more than 600 hot dogs, while I took some pictures to bring them to the blog, until another opportunity 😉.
En Venezuela aunque es un país que tiene una gran inflación y muchos se han ido del país a buscar nuevos horizontes y mejoras para ellos y su familia, aquí en Venezuela hay otros que si nos atrevemos a emprender, y este es un caso de esos, de personas atrevidas con ganas de salir adelante y buscar nuevos ingresos.
Yo no sabia de este puesto llamado Oswaldo ni que iban a inaugurar este negocio de Perros calientes, hamburguesas, pepitos, y otras muchas cosas, al parecer ellos hicieron publicidad por varias redes sociales y una de ellas fue TikTok por el cual se hicieron muy virales, y dijeron que el día de su inauguración el 11 de febrero iban a regalar perros calientes a todos los que se acercaran al puesto, mi hija si lo vio y por casualidad de la vida, ese día salí tarde del local y luego la pasé buscando a ella y también le dimos la cola a una hermana de la iglesia.
Al pasar por la calle apenas vi que había muchas personas dije y ¿ que será lo que hay aquí?, mi hija allí se acordó de la publicidad que había visto en tiktok y me dijo que me parará para comernos unos perros, la verdad yo no le creía pero igual di la vuelta para estacionarme y aprovechar de probar estos perros calientes gratis.
Es difícil ver que estén regalando algo de comer y que no fuera poco, nos bajamos y la verdad había muchas personas, como es un kiosko en la calle habían diferentes personas, y había cola pero pasaba rápido, fuimos y nos dieron nuestro perrito caliente, algo que me gustó que no le negaron las salsas y tampoco las papas, lo que no me gusto mucho era la salchicha pero claro eran regalados así que no eran de la mejor calidad, pero como dicen a caballo regalado no se le mira el colmillo.
Mientras comíamos aprovechamos de ver el menú que lo cargaban unas chicas promotoras quienes estaban pendiente de los nuevos comensales, los cuales si habían bastante, a un lado había unas mesas donde varias personas probaban el nuevo menú, así que pronto vendré aquí a probar que tal las hamburguesas ya que se veían buenas, encuanto a los perros yo creo que repartieron más de 600 perros calientes, mientras tome algunas fotos para poder traerlas al blog, hasta otra oportunidad 😉
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Fotos de mi Autoría derechos reservados
Cámara: Samsung M31
Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratuita)
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Photos by me Author's rights reserved
Camera: Samsung M31
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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