Beer Saturday : Double Dry Hopped Pseudo Sue

in BEER11 months ago


My share to the #beersaturday fun, as inspired by @detlev.


What have we here? The double dry hopped sue has returned again? This spring has been full of surprises over here in Driftless Wisconsin, and now this. You might already know that I"m a) huge Toppling Fan, b) A Pseudo fan, c) a hazy fan, and d) a double dry hopped fan. Thus, this beer hit all four of my fun requirements today when I saw it at the grocery store earlier in the day.


Do you know what else I found at the same grocery store today? Ramps...I love my ramps. They are such a fun thing to find in spring; I'd say I'm a forager but I'm not, so I just paid the premium to buy two bunches today. I also bought two steaks for me and my beautiful wife.



So while getting the Weber fired up, I managed to get through one Sue. Yet I knew I could get through one more; our dog, Ms. Mabel, agreed.


So as I moved on to my second, I managed to get the two steaks grilled perfectly, four chunks of zucchini, and the ramps. It ended up being the perfect late Wisconsin, April meal for the family on a Saturday.


And the final results...


I hate to say it, but I feel like I"m turning out to be an ok grillmaster. Not the best, but good enough to make the food feel a bit special. Oh, and I did get that second Sue in as well.


Those bloody powerlines...they are everywhere. Thanks for checking out my #beersaturday share! I hope you had a great Saturday as well, and if you see this beer around, I highly recommend it!


Oh, there's lovely Mabel. A great company for a nice meal

send me a six pack i must drink it because i love the can design