The heat is my new favorite topic. If you have read the last few posts on my blog, I've always included a little rant or information about it. Today was no exception. The heat index was lower here in our city but it still didn't rain so that prevented a lower temperature. Still not complaining because we are still way better than other places. Working inside air-conditioned office buildings OR in the forest might just be the best options to avoid the heat. Or, maybe just be a lifeguard in a secluded beach on one of the beautiful islands here in the country. We also have those.
Black Noodle Soup
I'm really liking dark-colored soup base with different kinds of noodles these days. For today's blog post, I will share with you my Black Noodle Soup, where I used vermicelli noodles, tofu, and some veggies.

The ingredients include: Premium soy sauce, salt and pepper, dried shiitake mushrooms, carrots, pechay Baguio (napa cabbage), Baguio beans (French beans), tofu, a little hot sauce and a pinch of sugar.
The process is fairly straightforward: Just soak the vermicelli and dried mushrooms in water for 10 minutes, while doing this deep fry the tofu cubes, then set aside. Take out the rehydrated mushrooms and cut into slices, then fry for 1 to 2 minutes. Heat 4 cups of water in a pan, add in the chopped vegetables and let it cook for 5 minutes. Add in the noodles and the tofu, then add a pinch of salt and pepper, a little sugar, a few drops of hot sauce (we were out of fresh chili), mushroom seasoning. Check if the vegetables are cooked and check if it tastes awesome already. Add seasoning, salt and pepper to adjust to your liking. Serve hot!
And, that's it for my food update.
City Hunter 2024

I recently watched City Hunter and it was a great experience for me. It was funny and the action was great. I got some John Wick-ish fight sequence vibes from it while having some laughs at the same time. I thought Rohei Suzuki did an excellent job at bringing the character of Ryo Saeba to life as a playboy/fighter/detective. I also think that the 6.5/10 IMDb rating was fair, but I would go higher just because I like the action sequences and pacing of the story. The story arc itself was formulaic and predictable with the "revenge" theme in full play while fighting the bad guys and saving a damsel. Rotten Tomatoes had it at 63% for now, but the Audience score was a 91%, which is where I lean on just because I'm a fan. Overall, I would recommend this to anyone interested in action movies or live-action adaptations from manga.
It was another hot day. The doggos got a bath, which was long overdue just because we were busy with other stuff. They were really refreshed after. Also had some pizza and they got more slices than we did, but that's the life of a dog owner. LOL.
*BTW, I used this Canva template for image 1. Please give it a star if you are a Canva user. It will help the creator a lot.Thanks!