Hola #AmazingDrinks, Feliz Domingo para todos.
Quiero compartir con ustedes una michelada🍺 de piña🍍 que hice ayer Sábado, tenia en mi nevera una cerveza desde hace días, y piña de mis jugos verdes, me provoco tomar algo mientras limpiaba mi hogar, pero no me gusta la cerveza me parece muy amarga, fue así como se me ocurrió esta magnifica idea de preparar esta bebida.
Las micheladas son bebidas a base de cerveza 🍺 combinadas con frutas con sabores ácidos o agridulces como la piña, el mango, la maracuyá entre otras, particularmente estas son de color amarillo 💛, se les da un sabor con chiles, pimienta y sal, hay muchas maneras yo les compartiré la mía amigos.
Hello #AmazingDrinks, Happy Sunday everyone.
I want to share with you a pineapple🍍 michelada🍺 that I made yesterday Saturday, I had a beer in my fridge for days, and pineapple from my green juices, it made me drink something while I was cleaning my home, but I don't like beer. It seems very bitter, that's how I came up with this magnificent idea of preparing this drink.
Micheladas are beer-based drinks 🍺 combined with fruits with acidic or bittersweet flavors such as pineapple, mango, passion fruit among others, particularly these are yellow in color 💛, they are flavored with chili peppers, pepper and salt, there are In many ways I will share mine with you friends.

Ingredientes para esta exquisita bebida:🍺🍍
- 50 gramos de piña
- 1 Limón
- 1 Cerveza
- Sal y Pimienta
Ingredients for this exquisite drink:🍺🍍
- 50 grams of pineapple
- 1 Lemon
- 1 Beer
- Salt and pepper

- 1ero 🍺🍍
Tomar la piña, porcionar y llevarla a procesar en la licuadora junto con la mitad de la cerveza por 3 minutos para extraer su jugo.
- 1st 🍺🍍
Take the pineapple, portion it and process it in the blender along with half of the beer for 3 minutes to extract its juice.
Quiero compartir con ustedes mi destapador que me trajo mi amiga de su viaje a Curazao "Hermoso"
I want to share with you my bottle opener that my friend brought me from her trip to Curacao."Beautiful"
- 2do 🍺🍍
Mientras se procesa la piña, tomamos el limón cortamos al medio y extraemos su jugo amigos.
- 2nd 🍺🍍
While the pineapple is processing, we cut the lemon in the middle and extract its juice, friends..
- 3ero 🍺🍍
Tomar el vaso donde serviremos la bebida, pasar alrededor medio limón para empapar de su jugo, luego pasar por una mezcla de sal y pimienta, escarchando el mismo.
- 3rd 🍺🍍
Take the glass where we will serve the drink, pass half a lemon around to soak up its juice, then pass through a mixture of salt and pepper, frosting it.
- 4to 🍺🍍
Al tener ya listo el jugo, tomamos un colador para obtener un jugo sin impurezas.
- 4th 🍺🍍
Once the juice is ready, we take a strainer to obtain a juice without impurities.

From now on this will be my favorite drink with beer, once a month or when I cleanse and provoke myself hehe, alcoholic drinks that are good for your health are not good either, friends, so even if they taste delicious, you have to know when to drink them.
Saludos nos vemos pronto en otra preparacion de deliciosos bebidas amigos.
Greetings, see you soon in another preparation of delicious drinks, friends.
Fotografías y preparacion realizada en mi casa, en pijama y feliz jeje
Photographs and preparation taken at my house, in pajamas and happy hehe