Hi @mili2801
This recipe looks delicious, it tastes like Christmas.
Remember that in our community rules it is established that in at least 3 photos of each post, you must appear making your amazing drinks.
Hi @mili2801
This recipe looks delicious, it tastes like Christmas.
Remember that in our community rules it is established that in at least 3 photos of each post, you must appear making your amazing drinks.
Lo estaba estimados, muchas gracias por la apreciación y apoyo, disculpen por no haber subido foto mías con el proceso de elaboración, lo recordaré para una próxima publicación nuevamente disculpen, bendiciones y feliz día.
I was dear, thank you very much for the appreciation and support, sorry for not having uploaded my photo with the process of elaboration, I will remember it for a next publication again sorry, blessings and happy day.