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RE: How do you like to drink water? (Mini comment contest # 5)

in Amazing Drinks10 months ago

How do I like drinking water?
This contest is very interesting, water is the most important part of our body. Drinking sufficient and high-quality water is one way to make our bodies healthier and fresher and of course very good for skin health. Apart from that, drinking sufficient amounts of water can increase concentration. Even though there are many benefits, quite a few people who don't care prefer drinks that are high in sugar, which is very dangerous if consumed in excessive amounts.

How did I start liking water? When I felt that my skin health was deteriorating, I felt that my body was not fresh and when I felt that I was starting to gain excess weight, I looked for how to lose weight and it turned out that drinking sufficient amounts of water was the first step to improving a healthier lifestyle. Starting from being overweight and dieting, I started drinking water even though it had to be cold, but I tried to fulfill my body's water needs. I started drinking 8 glasses of water a day with a 200 ml glass. Getting used to something that is good for the body is not an easy thing. Consuming healthy food and drinking enough water is a small thing that will have a big impact on our body.
So at this moment I invite my friends to start drinking enough water. Thank you!


It's such a good think you made that discovery before it was too late. Drinking water is something that I always took for granted until I met someone who only had juice, beer, and soda. I was really surprised a person like that actually existed. It turned out there were many more people like my friend. Keep healthy, my friend!

Hi @marlyncabrera. I too have a friend who drank almost no water, he accompanied every meal with either a bottle of wine or a liter coke every day. Obviously, he is an obese person and has no intentions to change his habits. One day he gave me a scare with a pre-infarction and we talked about it, but I could not convince him. I believe that to stay healthy you have to avoid consuming these sugary drinks as much as possible. Best regards and may our friends recover their health soon.

Unbelievable, right?! I think people like your friend need to cut down on sugar and soda gradually; they've gone too far as to stop having them at once.

Terrible 😞

you are right @marlyncabrera many people still drink soda and don't drink water properly at a young age. In the end, the disease appears when they are 40 years old and above and many people realize when they really feel sick... I feel lucky because I am 28 years old. I care more about the food and drinks that enter my body. Incidentally, I'm not someone who likes consuming soda since I was little, I just don't like water and I can eat without even drinking water before and after, which is really very dangerous in my opinion.

Hello beautiful 😻. Hope you are drinking lots of water. Lets keep healthy ❤️😎🌻

Hi @indahayuu

Your experience of how you started to like drinking water, and how you acquired the habit, is very interesting. Fortunately you did it at a good time, you are still young, and as your skin is well hydrated, it will withstand the passage of time better. I think that the system you have, of drinking several small glasses, doses the intake, and allows your body to always have a constant supply of the vital liquid.

Thank you for participating in the contest.


Thank you @sirenahippie happy to be able to participate in this mini contest. Wish me luck 😊

Hi @indahayuu!!! it is very true what you say. Water is a natural antioxidant, I love to drink it. I try to make it 8 glasses a day, but I think sometimes it's a little more, it depends on the weather of the day hahahahahaha.
I try not to drink juices or sugary drinks, I accompany my meals with water -either before or after eating.

Yes of course @luisacarola when the weather is very hot we have to drink more water. Usually I make infusion water to make it fresher when drinking water in hot weather.

Sabes que realmente el beber agua es mágico. En efecto, para bajar de peso funciona y para mantenerte hidratada. Es algo que no tiene comparación. Es vital. Así que gracias por la invitación, aunque yo tomo suficiente agua cada día. En estos momentos me preocupa que mamá se niega a tomarla. Ella es una anciana de 96 años y mi hermana, quien está con ella, se la disfraza, porque, de lo contrario, no la toma. Así que no es, fácil para algunos casos. Saludos, amiga.

Hola @numa26 , tienes razón en relación al uso del agua.
En relación a tu madre también lo vivo, igual se la disfrazo, a veces por más que la disfrazo aprieta los dientes para no ingerirla...mi madre está en 90 años.
Fortaleza para tu hermana, lo estoy viviendo en carne propia.


It is incredible how important water is for our body, if we become dehydrated we run a great risk of dying, it is that simple.

It's good that you are increasing your water consumption, it's healthy.

Really a nice step you took @indahayuu Water supply our body all the required necessary flow for good circulation.