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Hi @mdakash62

Without a doubt, jaggery or other alternatives such as sweeteners derived from dates are great for health, since they offer many vitamins and minerals. This date gur looks very good, has a nice color and surely has a great taste.

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 9 months ago Reveal Comment

Excellent friend @mdakash62, it is very important because it also offers benefits to our body. Thanks for sharing.

 9 months ago Reveal Comment

How much I'd wish to try date jaggery. I've never found it here in my area (east of Venezuela). Our traditional jaggery is made from cane juice; I ususally buy the tablet to melt it in a little water and make my own cane honey, which I always keep in fridge. When it comes to date, however, I've only been able to find or make the paste with the fruit; I certainly love it, but it's expensive here. It's so good that you can find date jaggery so easily. Nice!

Date is very delicious especially the way you have presented it @mdakash62. Date has many properties for our health immune boost. Thanks for bringing it on here. Best of luck 😇