(Eng / Esp) Yogurt smoothie with strawberries

in Amazing Drinks2 months ago


Greetings, dear @drinklovers! Today I am back with another yogurt-based recipe, and this ferment has once again become a constant in my life, so today I am sharing with you a YOGURT SMOOTHIE WITH STRAWBERRIES. My husband brought home a tray of strawberries, and he asked me to make him this recipe, since he loves strawberries, and since both ingredients combine very well, I prepared this smoothie.

Saludos, queridos @drinklovers! Hoy he vuelto con otra receta a base de yogurt, y es que este fermento ha vuelto ser una constante en mi vida, por lo que hoy les comparto un BATIDO DE YOGURT CON FRESAS. Mi esposo trajo a casa una bandeja de fresas, y me pidió le hiciera esta receta, ya que a él le encantan las fresas, y ya que ambos ingredientes combinan muy bien, preparé este batido.


I previously shared in this community a recipe for a yogurt with guava smoothie. At that time I used the yogurt that I was growing a few days before, and which I published in the Foodies Bee Hive community. Today, I used the same culture that I started approximately 17 days ago, and from which I have harvested at least 15 liters of yogurt, and both my husband and I like it a lot, and it feels very good in his stomach. With that said, let's get to the recipe!

Previamente compartí en esta comunidad, una receta de un batido de yogurt con guayaba. En ese momento utilicé el yogurt que estaba cultivando pocos días antes, y el cual publiqué en la comunidad Foodies Bee Hive. Hoy, he usado el mismo cultivo que inicié hace aproximadamente 17 días, y del cual he cosechado al menos 15 litros de yogurt, y es que tanto a mi esposo como a mí nos gusta mucho, y a él le sienta muy bien en el estómago. Dicho esto, ¡vamos a la receta!



Time, ingredients and equipment

  • Preparation time: If you have all the ingredients on hand, you will only need 10 minutes to make this drink.

  • Quantities may vary according to each person's taste and availability.

  • Servings: Approximately 800 ml of YOGURT SMOOTHIE WITH STRAWBERRIES.

  • 500 ml of firm or semi-solid natural yogurt.

  • 220 grams of ripe strawberries (previously washed and disinfected).

  • Sweetener of your choice. I used two tablespoons of white sugar.

  • Ice to taste (optional).

  • Glass, mixer, bowl or pot, knife, spoon, ladle, plate, etc.

Tiempo, ingredientes y equipo


  • Tiempo de preparación: Si tienes todos los ingredientes a mano, sólo requerirás 10 minutos para elaborar esta bebida.

  • Las cantidades pueden variar de acuerdo al gusto y a la disponibilidad de cada quien.

  • Raciones: Aproximadamente 800 ml de BATIDO DE YOGURT CON FRESAS.

  • 500 ml de yogurt natural firme o semisólido.

  • 220 gramos de fresas maduras (previamente lavadas y desinfectadas).

  • Endulzante de tu elección. Yo usé dos cucharadas de azúcar blanca.

  • Hielo al gusto (opcional).

  • Vaso, batidora, bol u olla, cuchillo, cucharilla, cucharón, plato, etc.


Remove the green leaves from the strawberries and cut them into small pieces.

Retirar las hojitas verdes a las fresas y cortarlas en pedazos pequeños.




Place the strawberries in a bowl or pot, add the sugar and finally the yogurt. Mix until well integrated.

Colocar las fresas en un bol u olla, añadir el azúcar y por último el yogurt. Mezclar hasta integrar bien.










<div class="text-justify> The drink is a beautiful pink color. Serve in a previously chilled glass, and add ice cubes, although this is optional, since this drink is enjoyed more if it is chilled well and the ice cubes are omitted. On this occasion I decorated with a strawberry on the edge of the glass, as well as flakes of this fruit. And the YOGURT SMOOTHIE WITH STRAWBERRIES is ready. The aroma of this drink is exquisite, the color is beautiful. It is a thick, creamy, delicious smoothie with the acidic and sweet balance of strawberries with yogurt. It is also a very satiating drink, as well as nutritious and healthy; By the way, my husband had two glasses. Cheers!

La bebida es de un hermoso color rosado. Servir en un vaso previamente enfriado, y añadir cubos de hielo, aunque esto es opcional, ya que esta bebida se disfruta más, si se enfría bien y se omiten los cubos de hielo. En esta ocasión decoré con una fresa en el borde del vaso, así como lascas de esta fruta. Y ya está listo el BATIDO DE YOGURT CON FRESAS. El aroma de esta bebida es exquisito, el color es hermoso. Es un batido espeso, cremoso, delicioso con el equilibrio ácido y dulce de las fresas con el yogurt. Es una bebida muy saciante también, además de nutritiva y saludable; por cierto, mi esposo se tomó dos vasos. Cheers!





Here I end my post today, in which I have shared with you a delicious, healthy and very natural smoothie. I hope you too are encouraged to bring all those wonderful and unique drinks from this world to the Amazing Drinks community. I say goodbye wishing health, prosperity and joy to all of you; and remember: Not all days are the same and more importantly: Everything you give, everything you do, will inexorably return to you. Hugs!


Aquí termino mi post de hoy, en el que les he compartido un batido delicioso, saludable y muy natural. Espero se animen ustedes también, a traer todas esas bebidas maravillosas y únicas de este mundo a la comunidad Amazing Drinks. Me despido deseando salud, prosperidad y alegría para todos ustedes; y recuerden: No todos los días son iguales y más importante aún: Todo lo que das, todo lo que haces, inexorablemente volverá a ti. ¡Abrazos!

Image sources

  • These photos are my own, and were taken with a Galaxy a04e phone / Estas fotos son de mi propiedad, y las tome con un smartphone Galaxy a04e
  • The separators are my own and have been made using the CANVA application; and I DO NOT authorize its use in other publications, except for community publications and my own.

Todo el contenido es de mi propiedad y está sujeto a derechos de autor // All content is my property and subject to copyrigh

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Oh I love it so much, thanks for sharing ❤️

Thanks for your kind comment @nathalie-s

It was my pleasure 🙏

This strawberry yogurt smoothie so refreshing and delicious! It's wonderful that you're using your homemade yogurt as a base—such a healthy and flavorful choice.

It is really tasty and very natural, without preservatives. Thanks for your visit @hive.samadi


Yummy 🤤. Am now craving for this smoothie

Tengo el azúcar y la licuadora....

Ajuda Posso Ajudar GIF by Vero Internet

Jajajajajajaja, a bueno, yo pongo el yogurt y las fresas. Gracias por la visita @yenmendt, abrazos!


Es una combinación perfecta, deliciosa receta..

Es buena combinación, nutritiva y refrescante.

Gracias por tu agradable visita @llovizna28


Yumminess 😍 I like smoothies so much and strawberries too. 😍😍

Oh yes, much much stranwberries is better. Thanks for your comment @noemilunastorta


Me fascina esta combinación de fresa 🍓 y yogurt

Es bastante buena la combinación. Me alegra verte de vuelta en Amazing Drinks. Gracias por la visita @alegnairam


Jejeje gracias si estamos de vuelta amiga


wow the strawberries look so fresh and the size is so big. this is a delicious drink

The strawberries were good, ripe and large, so the result was very tasty.

Thanks for stopping by to read and comment @nnurdiani


La fresa y el yogurt son excelentes 😋😸

Más allá de eso, son deliciosos. Espero te hayas animado a hacer el yogurt casero.

Gracias por la visita @kyleana


wow wow wow, this strawberry are literally the star of this recipe, they look so fresh and yummy, i am obsessed with strawberry flavoured food, from icreame to biscuit to even drinks, i love it a lot. the resulting smoothie also looks like something i would want to have everyday.

You know that my husband also loves any strawberry flavor, he is a big fan of strawberry-flavored ice cream, cakes, cookies, smoothies and candies, it was for him that I made this smoothie.

Thanks for stopping by to read and comment @vanessakor

