In this collage you can see that after boiling the leaves of the chinchamochina or sangria plant, it will leave a red color like blood. We let it rest for a while and then we add the leaves already used and with a strainer we proceed to add the oranges. If the oranges are sweet, you don't need much sugar, but if they are simple, adding sugar or honey is a pleasure. The idea of the strainer is to leave the orange seeds out of the drink. The color of sangria is fascinating, a powerful red with a certain earthy flavor, but that is what characterizes it, that is why it is combined with other fruits.
Now sugar to taste, generally I don't usually add so much sugar to my drinks, but in this case a couple of tablespoons of sugar to taste is ideal to subtract a little the strong earthy flavor, my mom says that that is concentrated folic acid, anyway To me these leaves taste like beets or beets. Very happy, I took it to cool and enjoy.
Very happy with my cold and natural drink. Ideal for raising spirits, defenses and hemoglobin values, especially for us women who lose a little strength on those days and with this delicious drink of oranges with sangria it is ideal to replenish all the values, since with The vitamin C in oranges causes vitamins and minerals to be fixed to the organism. On this occasion, drinking this cold drink when it is hot and on cold days as a tea is delicious. I shared it with my two children and they are very happy with the natural and refreshing drink.
Thank you very much for the visit, I hope you liked it. All photos were taken and edited in Incollage photo editor for Android with my Redmi 9T smartphone, Venezuela. Happy day to everyone. Remember: natural is better for us.