Post-War Free Space (World Building Notes)

in Worldbuildinglast year

Here's another promptless World Building post; these posts are a way for me to design lore, solidify ideas, and build up the fictional world I've been writing stories in for a few years now.

A bit of news, I've been talking with a friend of mine and he decided to come on board to beta read/ edit one of my novels! So far his advice has been great and has given me a lot of food for thought.


Organised Crime

The gangs, groups, clans, and criminal organisations of Free Space vary from world to world. Each location/ world allows for different opportunities, so organisations based around particular activities gravitate to different locations.

This diversity is utilised by syndicates, and galaxy-spanning networks of criminals and crime lords to make the most of what's available, and those who can tap into the underworlds of multiple planets and build connections can turn their enterprises into lucrative endeavors.

The Shadow Network

As each planet has dragged itself out of the devastation they suffered during the failed occupation of Free Space criminals and crime lords have had to become much smarter as a way to avoid detainment. Being able to operate below the radar of all law enforcement is important, as opportunities arise in all areas of life - specifically businesses that dwell in a morally grey area - and most large-scale organisations eventually want a line of work that won't land them with a prison sentence, however, if they're well known to law enforcement, then those morally grey opportunities can be closed off to them, on account of harassment.

The shadow network; is a highly organised database that allows for people to connect in a secure way and remain firmly below the radar of anyone on the outside.

There are a lot of hoops to jump through before someone is eligible to join, that's even if you can request a place in this secret organisation. Usually, you have to have someone to vouch for you, or in general, you have to be invited by someone firmly on the inside.

Most don't believe in its existence, but there have been plenty of people who brag about it while drinking a bit too much. Those who do that tend to disappear if they speak a bit too loud.


Gun Runners

The Zun-Kulla have some major organisations on their world known for gun running, and they've built a major reputation for their work.

Prior to the Free Space Invasion, Zun-Kulla was the home of the toughest warriors born throughout the whole region of space. Before they took their place at the top, the Triskens were known to be the toughest warriors.

During the war, Zun-Kulla freed itself from the forces who invaded, and even destroyed a Rotchi super weapon while doing so; this act guaranteed that many other worlds were spared the treatment Trisk received.

The government of this world spent more than any other on weapons development and arms manufacturing, by the time they opened their armories up to the public they had amassed a major stockpile, and of that, only 36% of all that weaponry was returned during The Disarmament Pact. This allowed the many small groups of Zun-Kulla to gain a foothold on the second-hand weapons market, and this soon transitioned to manufacturing their own equipment, using the profits gained to do so.

The Z.T.P are among the largest of these gun-running organisations in the current year, and they are notorious for the mini-war they waged with the smaller organisations of their world.