Mi entrada al concurso topfivefamily observa piensa y escribe/Recuerdos del arroz con leche[esp-eng]

in Top Family11 months ago

Imagen propiedad @lanzjoseg



Hoy me uno al concurso topfivefamily observa piensa y escribe aqui esta el link para que se animen a participar Anunciando ganadores del concurso. Observa Piensa Escribe. Iniciando 30-03-2024 hasta el 05/04/2024 https://ecency.com/hive-192096/@topfivefamily/anunciando-ganadores-del-concurso-observa-e0ec14523acec

Recuerdos del arroz con leche

Al mirar esta imagen lo primero que se viene a mi mente como se que a muchos de ustedes es la popular canción infantil ( arroz con leche me quiero casar) ,se dice que es de autor anónimo y por lo tanto tampoco se sabe la verdad de su origen aunque se dice que nacio en Europa.

Con respecto a la comida como tal de arroz con leche se dice que es de origen asiático.
Además de la canción lo primero que le dije a mi esposita @chironga67 cuando vi la imagen fue mira mi amor lo que más te gusta jajaja , lo digo porque una vez nos invitaron a cenar casa de su tía cuando éramos novios y nos sirvieron arroz con leche pero era salado y mi esposa quedo con ese trauma del arroz con leche, no le gustaba para nada hasta que una vez lo comio dulce con un poco de canela y le gusto.

Por lo menos lo come pero no es su fuerte a la hora de escoger aunque su preparación es originalmente con arroz , leche y azúcar se a venido combinando con otros ingredientes , hay quienes lo preparan (además del arroz y la leche ) con crema de leche , leche condensada y canela y para los que inventan a la hora de hacer combinaciones le agregan un poco de coco rallado.

Lo cierto es que este postre se a vuelto muy popular y hasta en los comedores de las escuelas lo preparan y ese día los niños se sienten felices de poder disfrutar tan rico postre,entre ellos mi nieto Anthony quien siempre se las ingenia para que le den más 🤣🤣.

Hasta aquí mi post,espero les guste,imagen propiedad de @lanzjoseg ,use deel traductor.



Image property @lanzjoseg



Today I am joining the topfivefamily contest observe think and write here is the link so you can participate Announcing the winners of the contest. Watch Think Write. Starting 30-03-2024 until 05/04/2024 https://ecency.com/hive-192096/@topfivefamily/announcing-contest-winners-watch-watch-e0ec14523acec

Rice pudding memories.

When looking at this image the first thing that comes to my mind as I know many of you is the popular children's song (rice pudding I want to marry), it is said to be of anonymous author and therefore the truth of its origin is not known although it is said that it was born in Europe.

With respect to the food as such rice pudding is said to be of Asian origin.
In addition to the song the first thing I said to my wife @chironga67 when I saw the image was look my love what you like most hahaha, I say this because once we were invited to dinner at her aunt's house when we were dating and we were served rice pudding but it was salty and my wife was left with the trauma of rice pudding, she did not like it at all until once she ate it sweet with a little cinnamon and she liked it.

At least he eats it but it is not his forte when it comes to choosing although its preparation is originally with rice, milk and sugar it has been combined with other ingredients, there are those who prepare it (in addition to rice and milk) with cream, condensed milk and cinnamon and for those who invent when it comes to making combinations they add a little grated coconut.

The truth is that this dessert has become very popular and even in school canteens prepare it and that day the children are happy to enjoy such a rich dessert, including my grandson Anthony who always manages to get more 🤣🤣.

So far my post,hope you like it,image property of @lanzjoseg ,use deel translator.


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