Hello everyone!
I once wrote about this subject some months ago, and waking up this morning and coming across a particular song, the whole thought struck me again, even deeper in my mind.
We are in an era where human lives are becoming meaningless to people, where lives are slaughtered like chickens, and nothing happens. It is so bad!
Each time I hear about someone killing a person, one question I ponder is, "How is the murderer going to survive living with the guilt all the days of their life?" But it seems it does not work the way I think. These murderers no longer have human feelings in them. Their hearts have turned to stone, whereby if they kill a human, it will just be like they slaughtered an animal to be used for food.
If you are reading this, please stay away from any situation that could put your life at risk because if someone kills you, they will not feel anything. Also, the judges will not be able to bring justice, and the world will mourn for a couple of weeks before bouncing back to normal life.
In that article I wrote some time ago, I referenced how a young lady, a neighbor, was murdered by her boyfriend. The family got angry and had the murderer arrested, but in the end, he was released. Who lost? It is definitely the murdered lady. The family of the deceased felt the pain, but they moved on. The family of the murderer is living life today as if nothing happened.
While scrolling on YouTube, looking for a particular song, I came across a song I had never wanted to watch, I decided to give it a chance, and I just kept shaking my head in regret. Why regret?
Okay, it is not like the song is not good. It is, and whoever crafted it should be applauded because it is not easy to make music. But the issue is the controversy surrounding the song and how it brought back the memory of a late artist in a mocking way.
The songwriter, Naira Marley by name, was three years ago alleged to have murdered an artist in his music group. Naira Marley was and still is the leader of the musical group, so he was allegedly responsible for the murder of one of his artists. Although everything was based on allegations, with all the evidence, it is very clear that he did it.
When the incident happened, the internet went on fire with a lot of dragging and call-outs. At that time, a large number of music lovers in Nigeria decided not to support him anymore and vowed to make sure that his next project would not get any streams.
Guess what? After three years, he released a song titled Pxy Drip, a song that's centered on explicitly, and based on the vibe of the song, the same people who vowed never to support him again are the ones making TikTok videos with it. Funny enough, in the lyrics of the song, he mocked the dead man, but no one cares now. Who lost? The deceased, of course.
Mehn, do not allow anyone to kill you!
Thanks for reading.
Video: YouTube
Image: Freepik