That’s awesome, back on a boat and off grid. I’m sure I will try this recipe. It looks delicious. Once I have a home again. We are moving countries right now and on the road traveling for almost a month to get there… will be (almost) off grid. Once there we work on it to go fully.
Have fun and a great Wednesday
Your life is amazing. Always travelling. I admire your adaptability and way of going with the flow. It feels right to be living this way again, albeit on a marina. However, we will be cruising come Springtime.
I wish you a smooth moving, and I hope that you'll get the chance to settle for a while to recharge, and hopefully be off the grid soon.
Happy Wednesday too 😍
Thanks a lot, it’s amazing yes… to be traveling and seeing a lot. But… it can be exhausting too.
I so need to settle this time for a while.
Thank you so much. Let’s hope 😊
I can imagine… even though in a marina you are close to what you want. The cruising sounds lovely, I am looking forward hearing all about it.
Have a great evening 🤗🥰
Yeah, I understand the exhausting side of your travels.
It does get that way when we are continuously cruising too.
Have a nice evening 😍🤗