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RE: My eBay Shop Is Getting Views

in Rant, Complain, Talk7 months ago

It’s pretty similar to hive - don’t post 5 per day and your best content all at once. Sprinkle it consistently throughout the week and you’ll get better results!

Definitely important and good for you to stop that person from taking it off platform to scam you. I have taken things off platform myself but that was mainly to give someone a much longer list of the wares and I wasn’t exactly interested in reputation at the time. We did make a few hundred off the online sales though which is nice!


That's a good method man, I like to spread my stuff out a bit into different communities, and that's good as well to keep it entertaining to write. Although, sometimes I get fixated on one, or two things and stick with that for a while.

Yeah man, I didn't feel comfortable with it, and just want to stay on eBay for a while, just until I build my feedback up a bit. I know I could potentially make more money by doing private deals, but for the time being, staying on the platform is good.