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RE: Academic burn out of an engineering student

in Rant, Complain, Talk11 months ago (edited)

Oh My God! I can totally relate. Being an engineering student is stressful and when you're complaining about it,you always here people be like "You chose the course yourself" "Engineering isn't the only hard course, give it a break" "you complain too much". Nobody gets it! This course is playing with our lives! Eating away at my mental health little by little and I can't do nothing but to watch it do so"
Project works can be really annoying and stressful especially if your group members aren't sufficient characters

Sometimes, I don't feel like doing them anymore because no matter how hard I try, I still fail.

This was me about two weeks ago,I was taking my exams and there was still particular subject,after writing the exam,it just had me broken. Bro,I couldn't read,I couldn't eat,j couldn't do anything. I wanted to die. But this particular day I said "nah, fuck it" and decided to watch an anime or movie to rewind. I was determined to do anything to take my mind off those exams cause I was sure if I didn't ease out, it'd do me no good. And there was also this day,out lecturer made us come to school on a Sunday to defend our project. Bro, I was like "What is really going on in this school? Someone tell me what is really going on this school". It doesn't get better,I won't lie to you and say it does and I probably have no right to say this as I'm still in 200 level. But it doesn't get better,just find ways to relax and take your mind off it for a while. Be happy,you can't be a depressed engineering student. You'll die cause it's a depressing course on its own😭


thanks bro! I think both of us relates with each other. What major are you taking?

I also watch movies and series when I feel tried and exhausted. We're totally similar.

Civil and structural engineering
How about you?

same! I am taking civil engineering, what year are you?

Year 2 fam😭

oh goodluck!