Possible Reasons your Pet has Missed her Heat.

in StemSocial7 months ago

After some time, female dog owners would begin to expect their animals to go into heat, when the time comes and it doesn't happen, it may become highly worrisome, but do you know there are times when your animal experiences silent heat? Yes, your animal can experience what we call silent heat, so let's explore what it is about and everything it entails.

Some veterinarians specialize in reproductive health, and these vets consistently meet with concerned owners who get puzzled, and come up with questions all the time. We all know it is common for female dogs to experience heat cycles or what is called estrus, it is at this time that the female dog is receptive to a male partner and it can reproduce.

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The estrous cycle comes in different stages, some female dog experiences their cycle every 4-10 months while other dogs experience the cycle once every year.
When silent heat happens, the dog goes into heat without exhibiting any sign of regular heat, it is also possible for a dog to get pregnant even during the period of silent heat, male dogs should also be carefully observed as their actions around the female dogs will show the heat status of the dog.

Primary persistent anestrus is when a female dog has approached two years of age without experiencing estrous cycling. This condition may be caused by factors like; excessive physical activity, malnutrition, and drugs that interfere with fertility.

Secondary persistent anestrus can be suspected when a female dog experiences one cycle and fails to experience another, usually a delay of more than 18 months from the last estrus.

Most often, we mistake silent heat for missing heat, if after 9-11 months your dog fails to go into visible heat, it may just mean that you have probably missed out on the signs, or the other hand, your dog didn't go into heat at all which could be as a result of existing medical problems like; diabetes mellitus, cancer, hypothyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism.

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  • Tumor on the ovaries: There are different reasons why a dog could have tumors, some of these tumors are cancerous while others are benign. When a tumor begins to grow on your female ovaries, it could inhibit heat cycles.

  • Hypothyroidism: This case has your dog suffering from a thyroid issue that could cause an irregular heat cycle, and when the case is a more severe one, there will be no experience of heat at all. It is believed to be a genetic issue and once dogs are diagnosed with it, they shouldn't be bred.

  • Malnutrition: Malnutrition of a female dog caused by poor diet or due to a recent illness may lead to an inactive heat cycle. High-quality food is greatly required if you plan to mate your dog.

  • Ovarian Hypoplasia: In this case, the ovaries do not develop properly, and are usually not capable of producing sufficient estrogen required for the female to come into heat or have a normal heat cycle. In this case, the vulva and mammary glands remain small and underdeveloped.

I earlier mentioned there is a possibility of your dog going through the heat and you fail to realize, in this case, your dog will still show some signs like the swelling of the vulva, sudden behavioral changes, mood changes, becoming receptive to male dogs who are close by, and bloody discharge from the vulva.


Speaking with your vet about supplements whose aim is focused on the reproductive system of your dog will help sustain and maintain a regular cycle of heat. Consistent check-ups will also help your vet discover any form of underlying problem that could be treated on time.







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