Captains Folly - Part 3 (Short Story)

in Scholar and Scribelast month


To say that the hold of the ship was dank, would be an understatement. The steel casing of this tomb was cold, and no amount of contact with the floor would heat it up. The hold sucked all heat from each breath, replacing it with a chill which felt to come from the depths of space, itself.

Hours turned to days, but in his state Captain Nas'chit had lost track of time. Sleeping filled a gap. He would fall asleep in darkness, and wake up in darkness, unsure if he was gone for one hour, or ten. Things were quiet outside. In the beginning, he would listen to footsteps and voices, as they grew from the distance, and descended back into silence. He would scramble to get close, and have a listen, but he couldn't make out speech patterns or words.

His only real light source was the small pulsating red glow of the airlock. Sitting on the wall oppisite it, he did consider pushing it and ending this wait. Nas'chit knew they had truly forgotten him, and here he would remain until starvation took him.

Hydration wasn't a problem, because while he had been here, he was sucking drips from a cooling pipe which ran through the room. In the battle, it must have sprung a small leak, because the sound of dripping was a constant reminder that he had a source of water. It tasted metallic, but it was better than nothing. A whisper in his mind did encourage him to ignore the water, and let it end that way, but those echoes were scary. Those whispers to end it were attempting only to deceive him, and take attention from what he truly wanted. Revenge.

He had been forced to live in squalor. He had become no better than an animal, living in filth of his own making. Forced to ignore, or become used to the smell he produced. His clothes were soiled completely, and the captains garb, he once wore with pride, had no become a dirty reminder of what was taken from him.

To mutiny was a crime, punishable in all civilized systems. On certain Confederation worlds it held a death penalty. Public execution. Free Space worlds treated the crime with complete seriousness also. Alongside that crime though, there were many others in this demonstration of theirs. His old crewmates had a long list between them, and if it was the last thing he did, Nas'chit would see them severely punished for each and every thing they done.

He clearly put too much trust in those who served under him. There was no one now he could depend on, but himself.




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