Carrots and Onions - October 8, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in #homesteading5 months ago

House shadow on trees crop Oct 2024.jpg

House shadow on trees at sunrise

As I write this it’s already 9 days into October. How did that happen??? The nights have turned cold consistently now, in the 40’s. And I don’t have storm windows on yet, so the house is cold in the mornings. But as we have sunny days, if I lit the stove, it would be 90F inside. So I wait.

On Tuesday morning I was up at 5:30AM and got the first load in the dishwasher, then mended my chair cover and got laundry started. The post was small as I’d been feeling poorly on Monday. I had a lot of chores to catch up on before my helper friend arrived at 9:30AM.

Sun through trees crop Oct 2024.jpg

Sunrise through the trees

I’d finished cleaning up the kitchen and the laundry was about half done when he arrived. We hauled the carrots out of the pantry and each took a bowl and started scrubbing them clean.

Carrots for freezing collage text crop Oct 2024.jpg

We sorted them, damaged ones to go to the freezer, good ones to the kitchen table to dry off. My helper cut away the bad bits on the ones for the freezer and then I peeled them. (I don’t like carrot skins loose in foods.)

I got the blanching water going and started sorting out boxes and covers for freezing. He started chopping the peeled carrots. I got them all blanched and packed, netting 10 pints for the freezer.

Carrots for storage collage text Oct 2024.jpg

Then I took storage bags and cut many holes in them and filled them with the good carrots. There were 5 bags totaling 18.37 lbs. They just fit in the vegetable drawers in the 2 upstairs fridges. They will keep well there for many months.

Walla greens crop Oct 2024.jpg

While I was doing that, my helper friend went out and harvested the Walla Walla Sweet onions. I’d asked him to harvest both rows, but I think he only got one. The nasturtiums had grown over them and I don’t think he got the second row.

Walla greens - 10 pkgs crop Oct 2024.jpg

He cut off the tops and washed them. I sent him to the store while I processed the greens to freeze. I got 10 ½ cup bags. I finished cleaning up about 2PM.

Walla onions crop Oct 2024.jpg

I have the onions to process on Wednesday. I’ll have to go see if I can harvest the last row before I start.

Also on Wednesday I hope to go to exercise class but I am still coughing with a sore throat. I thought it was from the dust from the mulch hay and from mowing on Sunday, but it’s hanging on. I also have laundry to finish and we’ll see how I feel.


It's like it's Autumn in your place with those beautiful colours on the trees or I could be wrong.
The carrots are much and I can already visualize you making salads after salads, with them 😁

Lots of carrots! I could survive on carrots alone. Those onions look like Japanese onions we have in local shops. They remind me of leeks which are my favourite vegetables.
Photos of the sunrise are nostalgic somehow. So, it’s getting colder already. Here we still have some rain but cooler wind starting to come in from the northern hemisphere.

Hope you would be fit and stronger soon.
Changing weather makes people coughing around everywhere! We need more sunshine too.

I've tried storing carrots in buckets of sand, and that didn't work, so one year when the carrots did very well I tried canning them. My thumbs ached for days after all that peeling, so I haven't done that since. I don't have an extra fridge, but I have succeeded in storing some in my one and only fridge for a few months.

I have a big sandbox in the root cellar for storing them. It used to be in my small root cellar. i used it one year to try to store carrots there but they didn't do well. I didn't have the energy to get the sandbox ready this year, so in the fridges they went.

Time really flies! The Sunrise from your view is very picturesque.

That’s a lot of work
I don’t like to do laundry at all😅😅

It's always very fulfilling to know that you have sowed and you are reaping. The carrots and onions would surely grace your dining table.

Your carrots harvest for this year is great and I think this whole ten pints can last for the year.

Actually 10 pints is only 10 meals out of 356 dinners… so not very far. But I also have the carrots in storage and they might add 20 more meals.

The carrots really look so fresh

The carrots are so fresh. Is there any difference between walla walla onions and the usual onions?

Wally’s are a sweet onion and because of the higher sugar content, they do not store unless dehydrated or frozen.

We’ve been having cold day and night here in Nigeria for sometime now
I love your carrots and veggies
Your farm must be really beautiful

Your veggies look very fresh
Good job!

Quite the harvest, good to see you got them all bagged up and ready to be stored.