At night when the temperature will drop below 50F, and because I don’t yet have storm windows on, when I close the windows and doors, I pull the shades to keep the warm in.
On Wednesday morning I had only pulled up the shades on the east side to let the sun in. You can see it’s not going straight through the house yet; it’s still coming in a bit from the northeast and hitting the southwest corner of the living room.
Outside in the middle pasture you can see how it crosses still.
So I was up just before 6AM and got the cat fed, then worked on photos and my post. Next I cleaned up the kitchen and put the laundry away. Then I sat down for a while after getting the shades up.
I went out to the barn at 9AM and emptied the car. It mostly had fencing stuff for the fencing stall. Then I got my fencing bucket and checked it had everything and found a small coil of wire for repairs.
I would start in the middle pasture and work my way over to the trees so I could get the branches cleaned up. It was pretty bad along there, considering I had just done it in May. The brush pile is just one of many on the far side of the fence in this pasture and in the back 40 on the left (north) side.
I made it to the house just as my brother was brought home from surgery. I checked on him and he seemed to be doing fine. So I headed up to the front pasture.
The first thing I had to do was put the T post back up. I didn’t have any help and just a sledgehammer, so it’s a bit crooked but it will stay up. I made my way around the front pasture that only had 1 repair needed.
Then I worked my way up the middle pasture fence along the driveway. It only had 1 repair needed and I was done. That bucket gets mighty heavy after a while!
I came in and got right into the shower, using lots of dish soap as there’s now poison ivy all along the woods side of the middle pasture.
There’s a nice bank of ferns in one area of the woods along the middle pasture. That’s where a lot of my ferns in the gardens came from. My 2 witch hazels are covered in buds. I wonder what month they will flower in this year?
And my “goldy” mum is decidedly NOT golden so far this year. Sigh… I didn’t know they could change color.
My son went out mid afternoon and got a bunch of weedwacking done on the back 40.
I don’t have a lot of goldenrod here. It grew along the south side of the driveway and with all the weedwacking, it’s mostly gone. But there was one tall beautiful one in the middle of the front pasture so I trucked down and got these photos.
Once I’d had lunch, my brother appeared and seemed to be doing very well. He noticed the Brussels sprouts in the garden and slowly made his way out there and picked some for supper. I went out with him and picked the artichokes that were ready for my supper.
Then I went to bed but couldn’t sleep. I was aching from all the walking in the morning. I got up about 4:30PM and started editing the many photos I’d taken. Eventually I got supper started, the artichokes and cabbage steaks with cheese topping I’d made a while back and frozen.
I fed the cat and he came in after to supervise the photo editing.
On Thursday my helper friend doesn’t arrive until noon. I plan to take it easy, just feed the house plants (2 weeks late) and clean up the kitchen. When he gets here, we are starting the compost bin project. The first thing will be to empty the totes full of sifted ash for the chickens’ dust baths. Next to empty the totes full of compost from the last time I did the bins, years back. Now the flower gardens are cleaned out, I can put it down.
Then we will start cleaning out the really broken bin and sifting what’s in it. Then we’ll rebuild it with the new pallets and start sifting the compost leavings of the not so broken one into it. I’ll be surprised if we make it this far on the first day.