Hello Hivers!!!
I'm finally here!
Super excited to be writing my first post for the Vibrant Hive community.
All thanks to @jaydr for letting me in on the amazing world of Hive.
I don't think I qualify as a professional writer but I know I love to share my thoughts in words penned down.
I've done this over the years with my simple act of journaling and I believe that though I haven't had any formal training in writing, joining the hive community will help me hone my skills in writing.
As I write this post, I'm taking back on a memory lane to my first ever official blog post.
OmG that was 6 years ago😳!
I titled it the "Inertia Syndrome". I don't even remember where the link to the post is, but I'm sure before I finish this post, I would have figured where the link is and would probably share it with you too.
It was my first piece officially. All thanks to my mentor at that time, Mr Israel Olaniyan.
He probably saw that I enjoyed journaling and asked me to send in a write-up that will be featured on his blog.
I didn't think it was a bad idea, so I wrote about the Inertia Syndrome and sent it in.
Anyways, it's funny how I had to battle with Inertia Syndrome to write this my first post. Lol.
But hey, I'm here now.
Back to Meeeeeee💃😄. This post is about me right?
I am the 3rd of 5 children. I hail from Orumba South, Ihite Town of Anambra State, Nigeria.
Too much detail for someone who doesn't speak her native language fluently 😂
Anyways, I can communicate in English, Yoruba and some bit of Benin language (as my mum is from Edo State).
I studied Medicine and Surgery at the prestigious College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, where I also found out my passion to provide healthy food options to Individuals with health challenges.
This spurred me to start a health and wellness brand that provided healthy alternatives to fast food.
Ranging from, Organic juices and smoothies for illnesses, To Premium-tasting Yoghurt, Fruit Salads and Parfaits.
Just to chip in, I love fruits a bit too much.
I graduated in December 2022 and had to undergo our 1 year compulsory Internship programme, which I did under the Hospital Management board in Oyo state.
It was definitely a time of learning the practice of Medicine hands-on.
As I was charged with the responsibility of managing both in-patients and out-patients with minimal supervision.
This helped me gain confidence in my practice of medicine too.
Completing the Compulsory internship programme enabled me obtain my Full registration a.k.a permanent licence to practice as a doctor in Nigeria.
After my 1 year Housemanship programme, (same as internship), I enrolled for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).
As a medical doctor in Nigeria, you need your NYSC Certificate to apply for residency programmes
Even though I have my valid reservations about the NYSC scheme, I believe it's an avenue to give back to the Nation.
I just wished it had a shorter duration than 12 months. Lol.
One of the reservations I have about the scheme is the poor welfare of corp members.
The sudden drop in salary especially for doctors is something to look into.
More like from Grace to Grass. Lol
That's on a lighter note.
I've learnt to maximise every opportunity I have and so I'm doing just that.
As I write this, I'm in my 8th month in the scheme so I'm counting down to the end of this and looking forward to the next good thing.
Before I close on my NYSC experience, I must say, it has afforded moments of solitude to reflect on my life and my choices because I am away from home and away from my routines. It also has given me the opportunity to meet and make new friends especially career wise. So I'm grateful for the experience in total.
Camp was definitely one of my least enjoyed parts of the scheme.
I practically didn't like the long lectures and matching under the hot sun. (The orientation camp held in The Sunshine State, Ondo State, Nigeria)
Thankfully, as a doctor, I could easily sneak into the camp clinic to catch some breath.
Some others enjoyed those camp activities more.
I guess one man's meat is another's poison.
That brings me to another detail about me.
I love being indoors!
I could stay indoors all day, resting, meditating and journalling.
This has probably influenced my choice of specialisation in medicine as I intend to specialise in the field of Radiology.
When in medical school, I didn't enjoy the drama that comes with clinical medicine or surgery.
When I rotated through the radiology unit it felt as if I came alive. Their work schedule and the environment was just what I wanted.
You need no one to tell you that it was my most enjoyed posting in medical school.
I found the link to my first ever blog post I talked about earlier.
Here you go.
Inertia Syndrome (my first piece)
Pls read it, I'm sure you'll learn one or two things from it.
Asides being a Medical Doctor and a CEO of my brand, FruitRite Treats
I serve in my local church, Sought Out Church, Ibadan.
Where I currently serve as the Music Director of our worship team.
Music is one of my gifts and I have always been a lover of music.
My love for music started from way back in Primary school when our Music teacher taught us how to play the recorder.
I was so fascinated that I practised it consistently at any time of the day and became so good at it.
I remember one occasion of my grandma's birthday celebration when I played several songs using the recorder as my special rendition to her.
Of course I made a lot of money back then as with the culture of Nigerians to spray you money when they want to appreciate you for a job well-done.
I didn't have access to a music tutor in my secondary school so I practically learned on my own.
I remember having a big 80-leaves notebook which I scored the solfa notes of our church hymns. I wrote them in that book indicating the tonic solfas for Alto, Tenor and Soprano parts.
At that point I had already started playing the keyboard at my Dad's church and by the time I was leaving to the University, all I needed to do was to hand over the book which had all the tonic solfa notes to my younger brother to continue the good work.
Amazing right?😄
Fast forward to now, I still can play some things on the keyboard and I also have a guitar which I am learning to play too.
If wishes where horses, I would probably have learned to play more wind instruments like the Saxophone.
Anyways, I said all that to buttress the fact that I love music especially church music.
This has helped me in my current role as the music director and I'm grateful for it.
I see this Introductory post as me journalling my thoughts once again and I am grateful for hive for giving me this opportunity to share a little about myself.
There are many more sides of me which I believe you'll get to know as time goes on.
Thank you for staying with me till the end.
I believe hive is going to make me better than I came and help me connect with great minds too
See you again, soon.