Indoorsy Weather
It hasn't been very outdoorsy in London lately. If it wasn't raining heavily, it was so windy that it was quiet dangerous to walk around in my area. I did get out to do important stuff but I made sure I was indoors as quickly as humanly possible. I walked past one of my neighbourhood cafes to witness the wind blow all the outdoor furniture away. It was nice to see some of the customers run out of the cafe to help the staff, chasing the chairs and tables down the pavement. It was a funny sight though.
The roof tops that always shed debris when it's thins windy still haven't been fixed despite causing so much damage last year. I remember writing about it on here but I can't find it to link it here. Basically the roof pieces dislodge and come smashing down on whatever is below - cars, people, whatever. It's pretty dangerous.
I had some okra that had been in the fridge for a day or two so I had to use it before it went off. I decided to make some okra soup to match the weather. The white stuff barely visible is pounded yam, which is a West African delicacy originally made by pounding cooked yams into a dough. Here in England we just buy the dried flour and mix with hot water. It's not the same, but it's about 80% close to the real thing haha.
Okra is very good food. It's packed with uncountable things that's good for you. It's a superfood in the same league with garlic, mushrooms, avocado and eggs, in terms of how many nutrients it has. I hadn't eaten them in a while - the last time being in a Brazilian restaurant last summer. The soup itself is quite viscous in texture and isn't to many people's taste, but I love it.
Peace & Love,