La cronologia de los relatos suele ser de principio a fin. Hoy nosotros vamos a hacer la cronologia de nuestro fin de semañana de fin a principio. Hoy vamos a hablar de lo ultimo que hicimos este fin de semana. El Domingo!
The chronology of the stories is usually from beginning to end. Today we are going to do the chronology of our weekend from beginning to end. Today we are going to talk about the last thing we did this weekend. Sunday!
Ayer al mediodia estabamos en casa haciendo todos algo diferente y queriamos salir un poco de casa, asique les pregunte si querian salir a comer algo. Me dijeron que si querian salir y asi lo hicimos. Salimos sin saber a donde ir, porque uno queria comer piuzza el otro queria comer hamburguesa y un lugar que tenga las dos por aca cerca de casa no estaba siendo posible. Hice lo mejor que pude para mediar entre los dos y salio algo bastante bueno. Fuimos a Geppetto. (Nota mental para todos: Es muy buena opcion cuando vas muy seguido a un lugar porque te gusta la comida, el servicio o lo que sea. Dejar de ir por un tiempo y despues volver a ir! Es como que la eenergia se renueva y vez cosas que estan mucho mejor)
Yesterday at noon we were all at home doing something different and we wanted to get out of the house, so I asked them if they wanted to go out to eat something. They said yes they wanted to go out and so we did. We went out not knowing where to go, because one wanted to eat piuzza and the other wanted to eat hamburger and a place that had both close to home was not being possible. I did my best to mediate between the two and it turned out pretty good. We went to Geppetto (Mental note to all: It's a great option when you go to a place a lot because you like the food, the service or whatever. Stop going for a while and then go again! It's like the energy is renewed and you see things that are much better).
Este es un bar que comenzo siendo una birreria cuando abrio hace unos 4 años para la epoca de pandemia. Si, tuvieron la mala suerte de abrir en pandemia. Pero Para su alegria tuvieron la suerte de ofrecer un servicio de delivery muy buena e innovadora en donde te llevaban la birra a tu casa ademas de la comida. Y en principio lo que ofrecian de comida era las hamburguesas y papa fritas y alguna minuta asi, tipo nugets de pollo cosas simples y muy acotadas opciones. Al tiempo cuando se flexivilizo un poco y pudimos salir y tener algun tipo de interaccion al aire libre, ellos tenian solamente mesas a fuera y exploto el lugar. Era una locura,(en esa eopoca todos en todo momento estaban explotados), pero esa esquina para estar tan escondida como estaba, la verdad era imposible que explote y la hicieron explotar!
This is a bar that started out as a birreria when it opened about 4 years ago for the pandemic. Yes, they had the bad luck to open during the pandemic. But to their joy they were lucky enough to offer a very good and innovative delivery service where they would bring the beer to your house as well as the food. And at first what they offered for food was burgers and fries and some minuta like that, like chicken nuggets, simple things and very limited options. Eventually when it got a little more flexible and we were able to go out and have some kind of outdoor interaction, they only had tables outside and the place exploded. It was crazy, (at that time everyone at all times was blown up), but that corner for being as hidden as it was, it was impossible for it to explode and they blew it up!
Lo cierto es que durante mucho tiempo fuimos y estaba bueno, pero en un momento nos parecio que no estaba tan bueno lo que comiamos y en lo que se habia transformado entonces dejamos de ir. Tambien lo cierto es que cuando siempre vas a comer al mismo lugar si no es algo parejo suele pasar que te deja de gustar o te aburris. Y eso nos paso. Y ayer que volvimos a ir despues de mucho tiempo realmente nos quedamos re contentos porque la comida estaba riquisima y pedimos cosas bien simples pero que si no estanm bien hechas pueden ser un asco. Por ejemplo. Bruna y yo pedimos unos nugets de pollo con papas fritas y Dante pidio una hamburguesa con queso.
The truth is that for a long time we went and it was good, but at one point we felt that it was not so good what we ate and what it had become so we stopped going. Also the truth is that when you always go to eat at the same place if it is not something even it usually happens that you stop liking it or you get bored. And that happened to us. And yesterday when we went again after a long time we were really happy because the food was delicious and we ordered very simple things but if they are not well made they can be disgusting. For example. Bruna and I ordered chicken nuggets with fries and Dante ordered a cheeseburger.
La comida estaba muy bien. Nos dimos cuenta mientras charlamos que ademas de que la carta tenia muchas mas cosas para comer, y un tanto mas elaboradas los chicos vieron que tenian una heladera de cosas dulces para ofrecer que realmente tenian mucha pinta. No pudimos probarlos porque estabamos muy llenos pero creo que volveremos por el postre. Otro punto es que el lugar lo decoraron un monton y estaba hermoso y hacia del espacio un lugar en donde te queres quedarm. Mas alla de que adentro es muy pequeño y entran pocas personas porque es un lugar que se gesto en pandemia y siempre fue la idea usar la vereda. Por suerte nos gusto mucho el lugar, disfrutamos muchisimo de todo, salimos un rato y recordamos algunas anecddotas que tuvimos en ese bello lugar.
The food was very good. We noticed while chatting that in addition to the menu having a lot more things to eat, and a bit more elaborate the guys saw that they had a fridge of sweet things to offer that really looked good. We couldn't try them because we were too full but I think we will come back for dessert. Another point is that they decorated the place a lot and it was beautiful and made the space a place where you want to stay. Besides the fact that inside it is very small and few people enter because it is a place that is in pandemic and it was always the idea to use the sidewalk. Luckily we liked the place a lot, we enjoyed everything, we went out for a while and remembered some anecdotes we had in that beautiful place.
I love being the daddy of these kids all the time. And even more when we are friends from time to time