...yes that bit. The bit where you tend to forget what day it is!
Well, probably not a problem for lots of people, but the organisation I work for closes down over the Christmas period and I always struggle to keep track of the days.
The festive days were lovely and quiet in Stav Towers as the wife and kids went away to spend it with her parents. I stayed home and looked after the animals - it was all rather dreamy really. Spending it solo didn't mean any half measures on the food front. Breakfast was Prosecco and smoked salmon.

Christmas lunch was a topside of roast beef with all of the usual suspects.

Even better was the entertainment as I got to spend Christmas like it was 1992 again! Thanks to Steam I managed to get some Sega Classics running on my MacBook Air (M2) - much fun was had. I had the added benefit of not having to argue over who had the controller next!

The time off has been fantastic for the ol' depression/MH challenges. I've even been out to the gym and for a run. Well, I say run ... more going through the motions than the speed of running. I started C25K .... again. We'll see if I can make it through the program without an injury or something other reason to stop!
Anyway, it's Sunday which means preparing the Sunday dinner and getting my head in the books. I'm still trying to get my head around Python programming - I'm finding it a struggle as usual but I'm sure it'll come.