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RE: Take It Out

in #life7 months ago

I've no idea of the going rate for dental fallout these days. I think our kids got a quid, but that's a while ago. It wouldn't surprise me if people go mad on the first tooth these days. We didn't have the pressure and influence of social media.

That later scene brought back memories of Tom Hanks doing some DIY dentistry in Cast Away. Ouch!


Lol, that's a film I never got round to seeing! I think I felt betrayed back then by Jamie because he was always the comedy man then he went all serious.

A hundred quid is nuts. I checked with the good lady and she confirmed it was true. I was aghast that anyone would. Probably is so they can boost on tiktok or something!

Just tell him he'll get a nice vote on Hive 😃 We need a tooth fairy on here.

We need an army of them! :OD