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RE: Horgrust

in #lifelast year

LOL! If people are going to object to stuff on made-up grounds then they lose credibility. Where were they when cars were spewing out actual lead?!?

Was he wearing a tinfoil hat?

Blurthurt is an excellent word.


I love Blurthurt, came to me in a flash!

If he had stuck with the, its an eyesore bit I would have been on his side no doubt as it is an ugly big mofo and is weirdly pale grey but no, he had to get all consfearacy! :OD

I met someone recently who started talking about some of the woo-woo stuff and that just put me off them. I get that people want to believe there's more going on than we hear officially, but a lot of it is just bollox.

Yeah, I like a good conspiracy with some troubling sourced or cited or near as damn it factoids that mean there could be some element of truth in it but when I start hearing gibberish I instantly think the person is a buffoon.

How do you figure what’s made up and what’s not? By having concrete proofs that come from official sources? But the official sources are untruthful more often than not.

How can we tell? Trust comes from reputation.