Good evening, @phortun !
It's impossible not to fall in love with the story of choosing your little girl's name!
She's sure to love the sign of nature, and she'll ask you to tell her this story all the time... In fact, it will certainly remain in your family's memory. To this day, I still remember the stories my grandmother used to tell me about our family, one of which was precisely why I chose my name!
It's one of the stages of life I'd love to experience. I'm sure that the fears that you and @liltammy are experiencing are part of the normality of all the changes that have come to your reality. One thing you can be sure of, life is no longer one way, it's heading in a completely different direction... The miracle of the birth of a desired child is one of the most beautiful things we can experience in this life, isn't it?
A big hug! A speedy recovery for @liltammy!