I have come to realise that a lot of the health challenges that many people face in the recent times are traceable to what they eat. Observably, many people resort to eating junk because they see it as easy food-on-the-go without realising the effects that it can cause in their body. The truth is that everything you eat will reflect on you somehow. This is why I believe that everyone is a true reflection of what they dominantly eat. If you see someone that eats healthily and some who does not, the difference will always be clear. So you have to be mindful and cautious of what enters your stomach.

One of the misconceptions of a lot of people is that it costs money to eat healthily and rightly. Well, just to let you know, the cost of not eating right far outweighs that. Take for instance: if someone falls ill from improper nutrition, the amount of money they will spend to treat themself and even the risks incurred would have surpassed the money they would have spent on good food by far. So you see, it is not a mark of affluence or riches to eat rightly, but a display of your knowledge of nutrition and the value for your own life. If you value your life, you will not compromise with what you eat.
It is worthy to note that even right from your level and with what you can afford, you can make up some very healthy and nutritious meal that will do good to your body. In the same way, with plenty of money at someone's disposal, they can also eat badly that can harm their body. So you see, right or wrong eating habits is without recourse to someone's financial strength or pocket size. There are some eating habits that you should also imbibe together with eating the right thing. It includes eating at the right and appropriate time. As good as food can be, there is a time that you will eat it and it will become harmful to the body. You have to have a habit of eating rightly.
Imagine someone that has not eaten for the whole day, maybe undergoing a fasting exercise, then breaks the fasting at night with a heavily acidic food. There may not be something wrong with the food per se, but the time it is eaten may make it wrong. At that point, the acid content of the food would interfere with the normal system of the stomach, plus the person has not eaten anything and it is already night. So you see, all these should be considered as part of eating rightly. Time of eating is as important as what you eat. You cannot eat a super heavy meal just seconds before you go to bed at night and expect to have a good sleep. What you eat and when you eat should be mutually inclusive.

There are times when, what affects someone's health negatively is nothing else apart from what they eat. There was a time when I followed one of my friends to the hospital after he had complained too much of a particular illness. When he got there, they ran certain checks on him, and afterwards, he was referred to the dietetics department where he met with the consultant. Adorably, they did not give him any medication as per drugs, they only placed him on special menu and diet. Before 2 weeks, the illness had ceased and he returned back to his healthy state. This was when I realized that good food and good health are part of a single whole. That is; if you want a good health then you should not compromise with your food.
You do not just eat because you have cravings or because you can afford it or because you want something to enter your stomach but because there are benefits you can derive from the nutrients in the food. What you should always have in mind about food is that you can either be nourished or harmed by what you eat, so eat rightly. Before putting something into your stomach, be conscious and intentional about it, knowing that it can determine a very important part of your life which is your health. Eat rightly to live well.
Thanks for reading